the official uk growing thread


Well-Known Member
i know this is off soil. BUt does anyone know where to get Litmus paper to test the ph of soil? Because i heard that soil testers like the one in homebase arent very good and for smlall grows u might as well use litmus paper. If anyone knows then would be helpful cheers.
edit: czo right now im growing without having a clue about ph and when i start to flower am planning on addind newts and dont really want to shit myself or have em die on me.
:blsmoke:pet store fish section.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
plus rep to u mister gonna go down to the old garden aquairam and get summ yum yum! i donno if its worth it though i will probs be like OH SHIT THE PH IS OUT THEN FUCK IT UP EVEN MORE. oh well


Well-Known Member
you need a female in flower and a male, choose good 1s, take pollen from male and brush on fem flower and you will get seeds.


Well-Known Member
lol it took me time to get my avatar up ( not coz i dont know how to do it, just coz i am lazy! ) now at 300 something posts the picture i put up is barely green....hehe :D


Active Member
im goin to b and q tomorrow to pick up some cfl's, does anyone know if they stock 6500k, cos if they dont, im not leaving the couch.


Active Member
alright sarcy pants ;-). i wernt sure if you get the same thing in the shops as you do on there website, cos arnt shops like that sometimes. if anyone can recomened a better place to buy some (i dont really wanna use a website) then let us know. cheers.