Good people on both sides, even the ones chanting,"Jews will not replace us", while carrying torches at night too... Does the glass need to shatter on crystal night for you to see a difference? Why do you think all the nazi's in America support the republicans and Trump?
Trump is an evil asshole, speak up and be heard, you seem confused about the nature of good and evil. The binary choice presented to the American people by their political system is a different matter, right now Trump and the GOP need to be removed from office. Only racists support Trump, there is no other reasons and no excuses for not speaking out against this stupidity and evil.
Ok wait a sec...what the hell does your Trump opposition have to do with me disliking BOTH parties? Are you trying to use logical fallicies on me or something? (Implying every "good Jew" will vote against Trump because he made a comment that could be construed as being anti-Semitic) What two sides was he referring to? The neo-Nazis and the anti-fascists? or was it the people who saw the Confederate statues as being historically important versus those who saw it as such a sad part of our history we should have erased it? I personally believe Trump was thinking like this: "Oh shit, they asked me about the protest because they want me to condemn the people who wanted the statues to be kept. If I do that, then I look like I am erasing history and they will accuse me of that instead! I better play it safe and not lump everyone on either side of the debate over the statues into one of two corners." And of course his rivals still found a way to burn him. Some of the people in Charlottesville were protesting against the following: removal of statues of historical significance,
failure to remove statues of individuals with
racist histories, freedom of speech allowing Nazis to demonstrate, perceived encroachment on freedom of speech, etc. And you can drop the kristallnacht reference please...a Republican would tell me all about how, since I am a Jew, I shouldn't support Democrats because the Iran deal was dangerous for Israel and Trump with this embassy and on and on. So really, you are kind of proving my point. Both sides are just alike in most every way when it comes to their insistence everyone adopt their beliefs in order to defeat the evil other guys.
I personally don't trust Trump to protect Israel, because I notice all he gives and wonder what he will ask for in return...but that doesn't mean I want to vote Democrat either. I don't vote on Israel as a primary issue, or I would be doing a disservice to America. When I vote it is on American issues and American wellbeing. I prefer getting rid of political parties and making some kind of election reform that allows us to have people run on the issues only rather than party affiliation. I also know how the news works. Fox is Republican, and CNN is Democrat, propaganda. So all that has to happen for people to be led astray is for the right or left wing media, respectively, to swear we are in danger to scare our vote into their corner. I understand why and how people wind up believeing this, because we tell ourselves only countries like China or Iran or North Korea have state media...but the truth is clear. Our freedom of the press is a farce when you consider who the sources always are: anonymous government employees. If politicians wonder how we might react to something, they tell an employee who anonymously tell the news who prints the story and they see how it trends on Twitter. If we didn't have parties, they couldn't buy insurance so to having 2 opposite "movements", each with around half the vote, they keep the people divided so we can not unite. It also serves the dual purpose of offering an easy way put if tshtf: Did a right wing revolution break out? News will try to brainwash the right back to center. And if that doesn't work, eventually the media will all praise the right or be out of business. Same applies to any potential left wing revolution.
Maybe, in America, the only Jew anyone wants here is one who agrees with them and votes how they want. Sure seems that way to me when I am being insulted with "reminders" of things -- as if since I am not a Democrat, in this case, that I must not know enough about the situation of Jews in America to make an informed decision. And Republicans have said the same thing to me, that I must not be a "real" Jew if I don't love Donald Trump...but I am an independent. I couldn't bring myself to vote for a person if all we had in common was an animal mascot and a primary color.