The Official House and Garden Thread


Active Member
hay loudblunts or any1 with h&g experience. Do you run exactly by the h&g charts full strength or do you haft to run 1/2 strength i know schedule sais feed feed feed but do you feed water feed ? just wondering i got the whole line and iam using it now in veg lemme know whats up thanks.
I've read that it matters what type of water. RO vs tap vs bottles ect...I use tap water with 75 percent Aqua Flakes A&B. Watch your PPM.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
has any one run the aggressive cycle that house and garden has on there nutrient calculator?

been wondering what the ec and ppm is for that cycle.


Well-Known Member
has any one run the aggressive cycle that house and garden has on there nutrient calculator?

been wondering what the ec and ppm is for that cycle.
I would imagine it is up towards 1500, I never go over 10ml per gal and have had ppm's of 1300+ with the shooting powder.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I would imagine it is up towards 1500, I never go over 10ml per gal and have had ppm's of 1300+ with the shooting powder.
Thanks Raider

Been writing down my numbers this grow so i can see. Right now at week 3 i noticed almost a .5 difference in the aggressive to the normal. Week 3 for normal says ec 1.5 and i am getting ec 1.98, and ppm 996.

Not sure if this happens all the time or if its just doing it because i am running aggressive but last week i noticed my ppm went from start of the week 900 to end of the week 1113.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Raider

Been writing down my numbers this grow so i can see. Right now at week 3 i noticed almost a .5 difference in the aggressive to the normal. Week 3 for normal says ec 1.5 and i am getting ec 1.98, and ppm 996.

Not sure if this happens all the time or if its just doing it because i am running aggressive but last week i noticed my ppm went from start of the week 900 to end of the week 1113.
That is strange, unless the plants aren't feeding enough to absorb the nutes your adding. I would use a target ppm/ec versus a ml/per gal dosage. I don't know that just seems high to me, but I have never run the aggressive stregnth. If your plants aren't burning though, than rock on.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright did a search on this thread but nothing came up so here we go

How does everyone Flush with H&G, Hydro, Soil, Coco

I have Hydro and last time i harvested i just skipped week 7 and jumped to week 8 on the nute chart, then flushed for the last week.

With one strain i flushed for only two days before harvest on week 8.

Someone told me they even have just went 9 weeks and flushed on week 9

All this being said i know every strain is different and they all finish when the trichomes tell us when the plant is ready.

Just trying to get different ideas in my head of how i can go about flushing my girls when there ready.

Thank you to everyone that contributes there info and experience with H&G.


Well-Known Member
Alright did a search on this thread but nothing came up so here we go

How does everyone Flush with H&G, Hydro, Soil, Coco

I have Hydro and last time i harvested i just skipped week 7 and jumped to week 8 on the nute chart, then flushed for the last week.

With one strain i flushed for only two days before harvest on week 8.

Someone told me they even have just went 9 weeks and flushed on week 9

All this being said i know every strain is different and they all finish when the trichomes tell us when the plant is ready.

Just trying to get different ideas in my head of how i can go about flushing my girls when there ready.

Thank you to everyone that contributes there info and experience with H&G.
i'd just let them go one extra week is my 2c. Really lets them plump up and change colors and pack on the trichs. give a 60 day nutes for 60 days+4-7 day flush period afterwards.


500ml of A and 500 ML of B in 45 gal of RO is 1.9 EC AKA 1400ppm on a Hana pen (known as .7 conversion or 442). i just did that last night and ended up at 2.0EC once i added Multi Zen, Roots and Drip. i'll let you know tonight how the 4 strains reacted i have not looked at them since i did it. before that i was running 1.5EC


Active Member
All of them are H&G except the sweet and carboload. After I run out of the sweet I wont be using any added flavor. I really don’t notice a difference with or without it. My schedule doesn't differ much from H&G nute calculator. But there are a few tweaks.
The main one being I run Roots Excel in conjunction with shooting powder. Also I start using Bud XL on day 1 at 1ml per gallon.
Also I don’t use Drip Clean or Multi Zen, but I do use Hygrozmye once a week (stopping at week 4th)10ml per g. Its too expensive to use it every watering.
Also, I'm testing a similar product to Hygrozmye called EM-1.Its about $10 cheaper, but its BB. Mostly being Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhodopseudomonas palustris. We'll see how it works.
2.8g = 2.5ml

I have extended this schedule to include EC/PPM and proper mixing info.
So here we go-
It seems I hear a lot of people messing up their nutrient solutions just from the way it is mixed together. Remember always add ur base nutes then PH and EC/PPM and then add the additives, DONT PH AGAIN. BUT, when using Shooting Powder, mix every thing together, but the Shooting Powder. Then PH and EC/PPM, then add the Shooting Powder. The Shooting Powder will make the PH go up, but it makes the P and K more available to the plant.
At all times u want the BASE NUTRIENTS(for me its H&G Coco A and B) to be 70% of ur total EC/PPMs.
Flowering EC/PPMs TOTALS- Week 1- 1.8/1260(EC/PPM),Weeks 2-5- 2.0/1440(EC/PPM),Weeks 6-8- 1.2/840(EC/PPM)
So in week 1 u would want ur base nutrients to between 1.2-1.3EC/882PPM. In weeks 2-5 u would want ur base nutrients to be 1.4-1.5EC/1008PPM. And in the final weeks it would be .8-.9EC/588PPM.
Hope this Helps.


Well-Known Member
500ml of A and 500 ML of B in 45 gal of RO is 1.9 EC AKA 1400ppm on a Hana pen (known as .7 conversion or 442). i just did that last night and ended up at 2.0EC once i added Multi Zen, Roots and Drip. i'll let you know tonight how the 4 strains reacted i have not looked at them since i did it. before that i was running 1.5EC
I thought that most Hana pens came calibrated to .5 conversion... I know mine is.


Active Member
Hydro shops that do not carry House & Garden nutes are usually small. The reason they can't get the products is that your first shipment has to be $5000 or more (Humbolt Wholesale is the only US Distributor as I understand it). After that you can order whatever you want, but they lock your account out until you can pony up the first big shipment of nutes.


Well-Known Member
Hydro shops that do not carry House & Garden nutes are usually small. The reason they can't get the products is that your first shipment has to be $5000 or more (Humbolt Wholesale is the only US Distributor as I understand it). After that you can order whatever you want, but they lock your account out until you can pony up the first big shipment of nutes.

5 grand huh? I wonder what type of prices they give... might be worth it if the price was really right. Although I heard the hydro shops dont even get the gear for much less then they sell it for... It is the nutrient companies that come up with these outrageous prices, not the hydro shops.

Thats why I'm going into the nutrient business soon! MF make serious bank.


Well-Known Member
Hydro shops that do not carry House & Garden nutes are usually small. The reason they can't get the products is that your first shipment has to be $5000 or more (Humbolt Wholesale is the only US Distributor as I understand it). After that you can order whatever you want, but they lock your account out until you can pony up the first big shipment of nutes.
You are correct about the 5k initial stocking order. The real reason alot of hydroshops dont carry it is because humboldt requires 40 miles in between retailers of H&G not to mention they are slow as mollasses at proccessing applications for new accounts. It's rediculous that they give the few shops a monopoly over the others and by doing so significantly reduce the amount of HG sold in the U.S. I understand the concept of not wanting to let someone open up in your back yard and sell the same products, but on the flipside 40 miles is exagerated. Do your local hydroshop a favor and call humboldt and complain about the stupid policy. Tell them you'll gladly switch to Canna or Advanced because you refuse to drive 60 miles to get H&G, that'll definetly resonate with them. :roll:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Talked to this guy the other day about water changes and flushing.

He mentioned to me that he Flushes his plants almost every week when he does a water change. Say Saturdays are New nute/water change days. Thursday after the last water feeding before lights turn off he drains his water/res tanks. Fills them with just RO water PH5.8 lets them sit why lights are off, lights come on he checks his PH again under 6.2 hes good. Flushes for Friday lights on, right before lights out he drains the res and does his nute change so its ready when lights come back on, on Saturday.

Was thinking that's allot of water to go through if it is not doing anything really beneficial for the plants, just kinda cleaning out the res haha.

Wanted to share this with everyone seeing what other opinions were out there on this process.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
aero, dwc and ebb&flow

not to sure really why he did it, he was talking about a new cycle of nutes, fresh start.


Well-Known Member
Hello good fellows at the H&G thread. I am very thankful for this thread, I learned a hefty bit from lurking.

I have been convinced that H&G are good enough for me to give them a shot. Haven't started their boosters yet, I am in week 3 of 10. I wanted to share my nute regimen and get your guys opinion. I don't want to hijack the thread by posting my pics but they are in my current journal in my sig.

I feed the girls everyday. Absolutely zero run-off the entire round. If I notice salt build up I just cut the dosage down to 1/4-1/2 strength for a day or two and up the fulvic/humic acids a bit.

Fulvic is a natural chelating agent, if you ask me it is by far the sickest ingredient I have encountered in my limited experience of growing. I don't want to come across as a salesman, but anyone reading this, if you aren't familiar with fulvic acid, do some research on it and you will see for your self.

Bendy's Wanna be Compost Tea
Great White/Myco Madness along with some molasses/micros/fulvic are bubbled with a few stones. After only half a day the pH starts going up crazy and there is a thick layer of live foam on top. I make this tea on a bi monthly basis during veg and early flower. During late flower there is ton of micro life that I don't need to keep adding more.

I know I know that is a lot of products, but hell if I only get an extra O due to the extra help from some nutes than it still makes it worth it for me.

That said I am very open to criticism/thoughts on my nute regimen. Let me know if there are any questions.

Peace. Best wishes for everyone's grow.

A picture is worth a thousand words. I wrote this out for you fellows and of course for my own reference.

Note I take all my reading in EC so there is no confusion for folks with different conversion for their PPM meters
