The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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yeah but at least he debates. his responses are normally thought out and well written.
I'd also like to point out that when my information has been proven to be wrong or someone has an idea that's clearly better than mine, I will say so. I'm human, I don't have all the facts. No one else does, either.

Name-calling is highly unlikely to achieve either aim.
A Democrat just shelved single payer in CA. So, what do you mean when you say they don't have the power to do what they just did?
California has a supermajority of Democrats in both houses and a Democrat in the governor's mansion.

But they killed single payer.

And they want us to believe they still support it.

....even with a former pharmaceutical industry lobbyist as state chair of the Democratic Party.

Yeah. Hypocrisy much?
California has a supermajority of Democrats in both houses and a Democrat in the governor's mansion.

But they killed single payer.

And they want us to believe they still support it.

....even with a former pharmaceutical industry lobbyist as state chair of the Democratic Party.

Yeah. Hypocrisy much?

you should follow through on your threat to register as a republican an maybe they will try a little harder on this for ya.
A Democrat just shelved single payer in CA. So, what do you mean when you say they don't have the power to do what they just did?

Dude, I hold you to a higher standard than a lame straw man argument (not really)

This is about two americans investigating an attack on our democracy. You dont find them to be credible because you don't have free healthcare, I do. I'm beginning to think Democrats our the only ones willing to put country and a free society over their political idiologies.
Do Manchin, McCaskill, Donnelly support single payer?

How About Feinstein?
It's my belief that each district can vote for their own and if Manchin doesn't support universal healthcare, it's the choice of people living in Manchin's district to decide if he's right for them.

You don't?

Most elected representatives of the Democratic party support the ideal of universal healthcare. Probably because of that statistic you keep throwing up about how 80% of all Democrats support it. If a Congressman works for distirict where that 20% who don't support universal healthcare but support other measures such as repeal of CU, then I hope my representatives will work with them where they agree.

Feinstein has quite reasonably said not now for introducing universal healthcare measures. I mean, duh. She got booed pretty heavily in April when she told people at a town hall meeting in SF that. So, it's up to the people of San Francisco to decide if she's still their rep after her next election.

What part of democracy don't you get?
Yes. It's currently going nowhere, including where the Democratic Party has a supermajority in both legislative houses and the governor's mansion.
OK, we can disagree on whether or not that bill was ready to be made into law. I'd say passing a measure with a 400 billion dollar price tag, affects every person in the state for critical services and no means of paying for it would be stupid. But if you like that kind of action, whatev.

Most importantly to me is whether or not a more finished product shows up next year. An election year. But I don't vote in CA and so will watch but not affect the result.

Oregon doesn't have universal healthcare. Not even a bill on the horizon. Does that mean I should vote Republican? Damn shame, I like my civil liberties, legal pot, etc. and while OR's schools leave much to be desired, I believe Republicans will only make things worse.
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