The Official Ghetto Growers Group


Well-Known Member
for me they just didnt draw enough air to be of use. in my small cabinet heat builds up too much so i had to use an inline fan to pull it out of the cab. hehe i have tons of fans laying around, enough for two boxes for sure.

I am in love with your box idea, if i ever grow in soil, i plan to use your grow as a pattern. then i can use the pc fans to vent it.



Active Member
Roots will pass through it just fine. You will see them looking like little white maggots coming out the side then they slowly die. But It's healthy for the rest of the roots inside the pot. I had no idea that certain Felt was made of 100% recycled plastic bottles, until I started buying smart and root pots. There is a stiffer form of felt that comes in pre-cut sheets. I use that for the base. Also I have to add a picture, but i usually cut out a circle of CocoFiberMat. You can get it from walmart or home depot. I use a disc of it as extra drainage and support.


Well-Known Member
Went to the hydro shop yesterday i almost didnt want to leave lol they have soooooo much stuff in there i felt like a kid in disneyland ..i did pick up some bontanicare flowering nutes they were a little expensive but the lady told me they will be worth it compared to the schultz plant food i was planning on using ....O and i thought id let you guys know that home depot has a 2 pack of 23W cfls for $4.69 i picked up 3 packs now im running 2 40W t12's, 6 23W 5000k, 2 24w 2700K, and 1 40W 2700k, i FIMMED my plants yesterday also im waiting untill they grow out a little more before i show you guys an update again you'll be suprised how much they grew since the last time

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah kush, sounds like good stuff, got any pics? stop by and check out my new grow in my sig if you get a chance. the new girls are really coming to life now. i was pretty happy with the schultz all purpose, seems to work well for vegging. im using all fox farm stuff now, that bontanicare is pretty expensive, LoL.

and yes i did, check out that if you want too, link in sig, LoL. i got 42.8 grams dry!!



Well-Known Member
hell yeah kush, sounds like good stuff, got any pics? stop by and check out my new grow in my sig if you get a chance. the new girls are really coming to life now. i was pretty happy with the schultz all purpose, seems to work well for vegging. im using all fox farm stuff now, that bontanicare is pretty expensive, LoL.

and yes i did, check out that if you want too, link in sig, LoL. i got 42.8 grams dry!!

this is what the nutes look like
Pro Grow (VEG) NPK 3-2-4
Pro Bloom (FLOWER) NPK 2-3-5
This stuff smells like crap but it should get the job done
ill be posting pics of the plants tommorow after work

COGRATS on the harvest ...seeing how long you kept her around i hope she rewards you with some good smoke for a while man



Well-Known Member
It's time for me to post some pics again. My girls are doing well but I did have a seedling die on me. I had to throw out a whole batch of soil. For some reason it went moldy on me. I think I will leave the top off of the container its in this time.#4day54.jpg#9day24.jpg#7day44.jpg#4day54top.jpg#6day46.jpg#3day32.jpg#8day41.jpg#10day24.jpg

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Nice lookin stuff people!

I embrace ghetto cuz i am ghetto ! :)

My rig is bou'ghetto as hell but it works....i got a 400 hps lowbay shop lamp from a factory($40) a 24 inch box fan($15) my ghetto mylar is a emergency blanket($3) grow space is a portable closet (3.8 sq ft) i got from helping a buddy move( $FREE$) only thing i payed good money for was a new batwing shader lol ($18 that really killed me to buy it to LOL


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin stuff people!

I embrace ghetto cuz i am ghetto ! :)

My rig is bou'ghetto as hell but it works....i got a 400 hps lowbay shop lamp from a factory($40) a 24 inch box fan($15) my ghetto mylar is a emergency blanket($3) grow space is a portable closet (3.8 sq ft) i got from helping a buddy move( $FREE$) only thing i payed good money for was a new batwing shader lol ($18 that really killed me to buy it to LOL

Welcome to the ghetto brotha my mylar is a space blanket too lol got any pics? feel free to post away

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Heres my rig....ghetto but works :) Inside is 4 Cinderella99's and 1 Martian Fart ( my own strain NL5 x Skunk / Bx to Skunk)



tight did the same thing with the uhaul box i bout 2 rolls of foil tape at wallmart ( goes on like duct tape have to peel back layer off first) small hydro setup just trying to figure what cfls to go with have it set up for 6 lights right now what wattage should i use?