The Obama past.... wth?

who matter whos in charge thety never do the right thing anyway...what they should of did a while ago is just blow irag and pakastan away and then when the cleared go in and kill whos ever left.women children and any other iraq still not racist i do own a color tv.i love everyone but iraqs and saudis
who matter whos in charge thety never do the right thing anyway...what they should of did a while ago is just blow irag and pakastan away and then when the cleared go in and kill whos ever left.women children and any other iraq still not racist i do own a color tv.i love everyone but iraqs and saudis
The nations are not bad. It's the radical side of Islam that's the problem. (Wahabisium) And, yes, the Saudis are Wahabists.
Killing innocent people is wrong. But I understand you point; 'Kill'em all and let God sort'em out".
Well, words that sound good are not always good sound words.

Gangs are gangs. We have a gang developer in office right now and he's like nothing more than to silence his opposition. We have a gang running the world and they'd like nothing more than to silence those of us who want to conserve the freedoms we once had and are trying to keep. They also would like us to just shut up and die.

It's not nations that are the problem. It's people who want to control and enslave other people; making them second and third class citizens that's the problem.
Islam is diametrically opposed to freedom. Islam- the word- means submit.
Submit to your rulers. Taliban etc.
So, those that refuse to submit are like us- we, the people. They just want to be free of tyrants.

So do we.

Unfortunatly- we have tyrants ruling the banks- world bank.
They want all of us to submit to a new currency. A Cashless currency. They are about to 'chip' the people of the world. (As soon as the Federal Reserve Note collapses.
Both parties are helping this to happen as fast as they can.
But- they were brought up inside our public education system and have no idea about what currency/money is. So they have no idea what they are doing. They are just doing what they're being told.
I think there's a chance Obama won't make it through the first term. He can't stay out of court forever.....
Somebody posted something on one of these pages that cause a great question in me... what if the supreme court rule against the evidence. (that happends all the time in our cash register courts as you know).

If that happeneds it will be a slow bleed to death.


Well-Known Member
enough of what? working if I remember right about this time in bush2's presidency he would of just been coming out of his vacation.
Enough of putting people into czar positions like that pos Van Jones. These people are unapproved and we pay their salary, we already have elected officials to do this. Maybe if he had to pay their salary we would see less of this. 1. He knew about Jones and gave him a job anyways, makes it deliberate. 2. He didnt know about Jones, (unlikely) makes him incompetent.

Enough attacking free speech because a network is showing the dirt on his hands. Clearly trying to discredit, so the stories have less weight, its not working.

Feel free to tell me what Bush has to do with the Obama presidency, and what his work habits have to do with this thread. Anytime Obama is called out or critizised Bush is brought up. And you didn't bring up good things Obama has done, maybe a little unsure of you're position? Lets go for the positive, tell me some good things Obama has done, enlighten me, please take all the time you need.

Illegal Smile

I assure you Obama will not be running for a second term. He will be unable to. The courts are going to hear the eligibility thing, but a number of states will have systems in place to verify it before 2012. he won't be able to get on the ballot without producing the birth certificate, and he has already demonstrated he can't afford to do that.


New Member
Somebody posted something on one of these pages that cause a great question in me... what if the supreme court rule against the evidence. (that happends all the time in our cash register courts as you know).

If that happeneds it will be a slow bleed to death.

There is always that chance, but Obama has spent a million dollars already trying to stay out of court. That's an indication he knows he would not prevail...... else why spend the money? Just defeat it in court and move on.

But he doesn't do that now does he....... he is fearful of the law.

Illegal Smile

I see it slightly differently. I don't think hebelieves the supreme court would remove him from office. He doesn't fear the courts he fears the subpoenas. He knows if the bc is subpoena'd the game is over. It comes out that he is not natural born or that there is no bc, and it is public reaction that forces him out not the courts.

And I hate to say it but I don't think it will be subpoena'd. it is possible that after he leaves office someone who knows something and has some evidence will come forward and we will learn the truth. or it is possible that as long as he is alive we will never know. Waiting for the truth on Obama might belike waiting for the truth on JFK.


New Member
If he is found to NOT be a natural born citizen, the supreme court will have their hands tied. The constitution is quite clear and the Supreme Court would nullify itself if it ignored it in this instance.

There would be civil war if the constitution is ignored. The people would not stand for it.....nor should they.


New Member
Just make sure U clean the attic Wordz. Pretty soon we are sending you back up there .. the country has had enough economic incompetence.

We didn't elect a guy to put us from out of the frying pan into the fire.

We were looking for honest government. We didn't get it.
We were looking for fiscal responsibility. We didn't get it.
We were looking for a strong foreign policy. We didn't get it.
We were looking for a Commander in Chief. We didn't get it.

What we do get are scoldings and Czars, and foreign policy humiliation along with massive new taxes and debt coupled with wasted stimulus money which evaporates without results. We get a President who is waging two wars (ineffectively) and wins the Nobel peace prize..... He even accepts it. He complains about everything. He is in fact a "Prima Donna". He can't function without a teleprompter. He stumbles constantly in foreign protocols. He talks of unity and shows none.

Obama is the epitome of Chicago politics.

America doesn't want to be that dirty.
How true... all of it. But if the Sup Court goes against the Consti and the people do rise up- Oblabla will issue Martial Law and then... It's over. The Constitution is suspended and with it our rights.
What people don't know about Martial Law is scary and what was done with Patriot 1 and 2 fills in the blank in even a worse way.