The "not so accidental grow" :)....dont try this at home, lol!

Hey all, short time lurker here and figured my first post would be of my current "not so accidental plants, lol and just wanted to see what all thought of them and such. :)

First off I should tell everyone not to try this at home as it would probably not end up working as well as these surprisingly did, lol....honestly never thought they would have got to where they are now but stranger things have happened I guess, lol

So basically it was a "getto grow" so to speak, lol! and heres the story....had 6-8 random bagseeds from along the way and for shits n giggles just threw them in randomly with the missus's house plants, haha!

Well a few of them started to do good and take off (3 of them) so I transplanted all 3 into quite a large flower pot with a bag of random black soil I had in the showed and 1 was male do I dispatched him and left the other 2 to grow as they were quite spaced from eachother in the pot so figured there should be enough room for them both in there just fine.

sat under a 30watt cfl side table light in the kitchen with all our other houseplants for 6-8weeks (about 6 of 24hr) and this is where I found that they are obviously two different strains, of them shot up a fair bit and one stayed lower and bushier......oh and I was randomly messing around a slight bit with lst but not really...more less just experimented with it a bit as they were just shot in the dark/playing around seeds to start with anyways, lol

they started to flower a bit up there and I had an old ballast and 1000watt hps in the garage.......SO.....about 6-8weeks ago I threw them all in a closet downstairs/lined the inside with tinfoil and have a fan circulating air and blowing on the plants from time to time as im not shitting you, lol!

Pics below are what has become of them so far!!.....Now keep in mind all I have done with these is what I said above and I have been watering them when dry or close to dry with tap water and miracle grow drops....was normal tap water to start and a couple weeks in I started adding the mg.......

Also as you will all be able to see yes I did have a battle with mites a couple weeks ago and think I just got them beat this last week so you will notice that damage in there.....gave them a good shower, cleaned closet, used neem oil as well as an extremely dilluted soap/water and then gently wiped down stem/leaves a few times/got in with toothpicks and qtips and just kept on them and I have not seen any for about a week now so keeping fingers crossed now!.

I think I will start flushing with just regular tap water within the next water or 2.......oh I guess I should add that I would talk to them as well when doing anything that may have caused any stress....loved em so to speak, lol....dunno if it made a difference but they seem to have do decently considering everything!!.....oh....and lost the 1000watt for about a week in the middle and so it just sat in the kitchen under natural light and the 30watt cfl until I was back home and replaced the bulb, lol!!....VERY hearty plants these ones are!! lol

Comments/critiques welcome!....and keep in mind this was all just done on a whim for fun as I (obviously) have never grown before but think this has me turning a new leaf now, lol....I did just get all my MM stuff sorted and now have a 60plant allowance but I am just going the DG way with that as who knows what is going to happen next year if the gov't gets their way with the sure if they do then I will be going with my own but proper next time as if I can get the below plants with the VERY "getto" way I did then I can only imagine with a proper setup!! lol

Figure at least 2 weeks left yet but the smaller plant may finish a bit earlier as it has much more red/brown hairs showing atm vs the taller one.

Lets hear it! ;-P



New Member
Pretty good for a dont give a fuck grow. Dont forget a proper dry and cure or you will be smokin hay and all that grow time wasted.
Ty and yes absolutely....have a dozen jars ready and waiting, not in a million years would I rush them now as I remember when I was younger just how that tastes!


New Member
super pretty plant man..that 1000watt really did wonders for you.

looks like its almost mature enough to crop
super pretty plant man..that 1000watt really did wonders for you.

looks like its almost mature enough to crop
Ty...2 different plants there though and yes is by almost you mean at least a couple weeks...still have a bit more filling out and finishing to do long as I can keep the mites away!
6 & 7 are the 2 different....6 is from this smaller bushier one and 7 is from the tall one..I think 10 is from the small as well.

Can anyone tell me if its too late to pull clones?....and if I am able to is it possible to keep em for a month or 2 and transplant them outdoors then?....thinkin about doing that for shits n giggles as well as I have a good area in yard to do so.


New Member
only can clone up until week 3 of flower, and thats pushing it.

you could try, but you need a veg schedule. you could veg under 50 watts of 6k fluors.
only can clone up until week 3 of flower, and thats pushing it.

you could try, but you need a veg schedule. you could veg under 50 watts of 6k fluors.
well of course I would need a veg that would also why they would be indoors for 1-2mo before its warm enough anyways....thought I might get away with a couple lower "sparser" looking ones but not sure.

And sorry no offense but even though ive only been a somewhat short time lurker here I have seen numerous "off" posts that you have made so please forgive me if I choose not to try anything you say......I think I seen a couple of your actual trying to grow a plant attempts, lol....sryy just my 2 cents (nickle now that the penny is gone, lol) ;-p


Well-Known Member
only can clone up until week 3 of flower, and thats pushing it.

you could try, but you need a veg schedule. you could veg under 50 watts of 6k fluors.
this is wrong you can clone at any point it will just take longer to root

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
And sorry no offense but even though ive only been a somewhat short time lurker here I have seen numerous "off" posts that you have made so please forgive me if I choose not to try anything you say......I think I seen a couple of your actual trying to grow a plant attempts, lol....sryy just my 2 cents (nickle now that the penny is gone, lol) ;-p
LOL.....doesn't take long to figure out who's who......welcome maplebacon to RIU


Active Member
only can clone up until week 3 of flower, and thats pushing it.

you could try, but you need a veg schedule. you could veg under 50 watts of 6k fluors.

Oh dear god not more advice from bmeat...

You just don't learn do you kid...

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
what are you idiots babbling about?

its a fact that you can clone UP TO WEEK THREE OF FLOWER.
it's a fact that you are a babbling idiot

.....nobody wants or needs your advice because you are a babbling idiot who has not completed a successful grow and we don't want rookies taking your bad advice you have any outdoor grow planned for the summer?

thinking of it but we may be moving in the summer all depends on the missus's work....hopefully will have a better idea in a month or so but I may just head out behind the house a ways and plant a few in the boonies we will see.