The Nightmare Begins

Howdy all, this is the first journal i have posted on this site. I have been lurking here for a time looking at all the grows and i think its time i post my newest grow.
bit of background, i bread the seeds im useing from a cross of Soma's Amnesia Haze and DJ shorts Blueberry, codename Blue Nightmare.
I have been growing for some years now and under the watchful eye of a very experienced breeder i built my strain.

The setup
lights: 1 hydrofarm 8 bulb t5, 1 hortilux 1000 watt HPS bulb on magnetic ballast (for flowering) and a 1000 watt hortilux EYE bulb for the last week of flower
Nutes: advanced 3 part, overdrive, bud candy, humboldts deuce deuce, equalibrium, and structural integrity, Natures Tears soil conditioner
Medium: custom blend, 1 part worm castings 1 part bone meal, 5 parts foxfarm ocean forest 5 parts coconut core.
Bags: this grow will be done all in 1 gallon zebra plastic bags for product testing (Natures Tears)
Those plants left out this grow will be trans planted to roots 3 gallon cloth pots
All plants grown from seed until sexual maturity then 9 of the 18 will be pulled into flower and the remainder will be trans planted at a later date.
I will do regular video and picture updates please font hesitate to ask questions or to give feedback.

Here are some pics of my seedlings at 5 days old, these pics are from the 28th of October


Plants are now 1 month and 6 days old, Sorry about the hazy pics in the flower room that HPS fucks with my camera something fierce Ill try to get some better pics next time.

Made a rookie mistake when reading my water and feeding charts and way overwatered, they should come around soon though

Flower room, these are fim'ed and have had light bend training, i find that when i supercrop sativas that they stretch out worse than when you dont (just my experience)

Ones im still vegging up for moms and for friends

Way way way to much water stupid mistake on my part, didnt reset my flow meter was just trying to eyeball my watering and just went overboard on a few plants it will take a day or two to clear up
Just a quick update, most of the leaves are coming back but the ones that didnt got the chop, easier for a plant to grow new leaves than to fix old ones