it offended the vast majority of people participating in this thread...
maybe that cookie was getting the best of you...bizzy...
the model was supposed to be one that is non-profit...period.
so if the actual cost of the mmj alone comes in at under 1.00 per gram..
since the plant does the vast majority of the work all by itself...we can add any labour we need
in the model on after the fact,,,ex. watering /harvesting/trimming/packaging .
bottom line is the cheapest cannabis available since ...everywhere our fellow LP growers...turn around..they are adding
in mark ups for profit...
and as long as that mark up multiplier stays at 0....patients win...lp's not so much....
I would bet not a single lp...would be able to say they have a zero profit margin.....
and that is because...they are all in this to make big cash from recreational....we all know it...
so using a stepping a thicker wrong....