the newbie who reads and reads


New Member
I've been reading all over the net and haven't found Less than 10 things that could cause my plant to change like this. lower leaves are yellow and brown spots starting to shrivle at the ends. plant is 2 wks old and the yellowing is moving up to the next set of leaves. the stems are hard and leaves feel dried up. the newest leaves are green but curve down and have the taco look to them. thought it was drowning so the water was lowered to about an inch under the 3 inch pot. there are some roots that are about 6 inches so there in the water. i have 2 12 inch air stones 4 inches from bottom of pot. on a pump for a 180 gallon aquarium. room temp is 75. ph 5.8. 180 watt led light about 20 inches from leaves. i have new tds tester house water is around 280ppm added floraduo a & b to get to 700ppm. am i just babbying this plant to much as a new grower.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are doing everything right. ............except for the LED's. I'm a slow convert to LED's and have no experience with them but everything else you are doing sounds fine to me.


Well-Known Member
Wuts the root chamber temp, and are u using RO/Distilled water w/o supplementing the calmag back in? If not filtering, are you letting it sit a day or 2 to let the chlorine n shit burn off? (I hate tap water...)


Well-Known Member
As said i think root zone temps are gonna be your issue .

How far up the net pot is your medium getting/staying wet ?


New Member
Well the top of the plant is looking much better I think my ph was to high along with tap water with chlorine in it. The medium has moisture half way up but not dripping just moist. So now I will use distilled water. Watch ph religiously. And watch temps. Asfor cchamber temps I'm assuming that this would give me a bacteria problem. What else will it cause. What should temps be say 68 maybe


Well-Known Member
i had that issue in soil when i didn't let my tap water sit out for a day before using it. now i fill a big bucket, let it sit and problem went away.


Well-Known Member
Seven hundred ppms for a two week old plant? If you just fed, then flush w/ ph 5.8 and ~ 0 ppms. If you fed a few days ago, next feed knock your feeding down to 300-400 ppms and then go up from there. You can baby your grow, but don't burn her.


New Member
Also I have another 180 watt would I know if I need it or when. Thank you to all who have shared there experience with me so far. I feel like I'm on track just trying to stay ahead now.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like your plant is eating her leaves rather than what you are giving her. Either what she needs isn't available (not being given) or she can't take it up (ph issue). It sounds like possible calmag deficiency, but without pictures in normal light that's going to be hard to confirm.