Oh wow was I out of it last night, think this might have been the first time I've posted in the wrong thread... Anyways to contribute at least something worthwhile to this thread, AH-7921 sounded like it could have been very promising but when I finally got around to studying it, I found it to be very
unique in effects. A bit like a tramadol "lite" though that simile does not do proper justice for it, it lacked the strong "knock you on your ass" feeling that I think people are seeking for a morphine replacement. Maybe Deramorphin will prove to be a better candidate for those people (other than the rapid degrading issue with temperature and barely visible active dosages

), I on the other hand did enjoy the effects of AH but its widely unknown status makes me glad it was available for a one time only thing to me. For "new" trendy drugs of the psychedelic persuasion, 4-Ho-MiPT is very intriguing to me but sadly cannot find any worthwhile prices for it at the moment. New drugs are always great to explore and map out for future generations but you can never beat the classics! Glad to have ya back man