The NEW Gage Green info thread

Sarcasm and mockery are promoted by divisive forces through media. Most of you guys are probably addicted to South Park and Family Guy.

We have a forum where we welcome honest discussion. Grown adults/adepts are welcome. "Childish", ultimately parasitic, behavior will be cut off at the knees.

And it's not a sarcasm you just did when you say most of you guys addicted to south Park or family guy?? Lol what will you say if I tell you I love watching south Park the same way I love going to.the opéra saw my favorite "the mariage of figaro" or just taking my Kids to go to the museum but wait forgot you are élite and like to juge people.who don't think like you .... now start thinking why I said you have a double face
logical hominem! right m4k? let em know...

why you still talking to him.... you need daddy approval?
Sarcasm and mockery are promoted by divisive forces through media. Most of you guys are probably addicted to South Park and Family Guy.

We have a forum where we welcome honest discussion. Grown adults/adepts are welcome. "Childish", ultimately parasitic, behavior will be cut off at the knees.
how much u charge to be a member? oh its free for the moment, but after a few months ill have to pay? lol no surprise there... attn memebrs: sorry but we need more $$ , sorry but not sorry !
how much u charge to be a member? oh its free for the moment, but after a few months ill have to pay? lol no surprise there... attn memebrs: sorry but we need more $$ , sorry but not sorry !

grasping for straws?

I feel bad for you because I know you look nothing like Muhammed Ali in your avatar. And your life probably does not attract happiness. I'm not being sarcastic (madinigyal!!), these are simple observations.
The internet is good for giving people a level playing field. But real life does not...

Just saying that if you spend most of your time trolling Gage Green Genetics pages, you probably need a lifestyle change.
grasping for straws?

I feel bad for you because I know you look nothing like Muhammed Ali in your avatar. And your life probably does not attract happiness. I'm not being sarcastic (madinigyal!!), these are simple observations.
i admire ali. a hero of sorts. i am the ali of trolling while youre more like a troll from revenge of the nerds. not the cool one with the electric violin lol
talking bout south park n fam guy is talking bout most of your clients dummy, keep talking tho lol

m4k to beemyhoe

Exactly... I'd have no problems telling them to their face that I dont respect them for spending their time absorbing bad programming.
i admire ali. a hero of sorts. i am the ali of trolling while youre more like a troll from revenge of the nerds. not the cool one with the electric violin lol
your an embarrassment to ali, white boy...
and your the one trollling here... show your ggg or get out....
grasping for straws?

I feel bad for you because I know you look nothing like Muhammed Ali in your avatar. And your life probably does not attract happiness. I'm not being sarcastic (madinigyal!!), these are simple observations.

  1. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
    "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
    synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn,sneering, scoffing
Just a simple observation...
i admire ali. a hero of sorts. i am the ali of trolling while youre more like a troll from revenge of the nerds. not the cool one with the electric violin lol

well get to do it one day. ill have traveling bread next year. we can def do it!

I guess you are quite happy with your position in life. if you were more about making a change in your life you'd have the bread to travel today... wtf?
I guess you are quite happy with your position in life. if you were more about making a change in your life you'd have the bread to travel today... wtf?
just waiting for this vote, i didnt feel like moving. cannabis is my life, ill be in this game for awhile. didnt mean to elbow u on my way in...sorry, guess thats karma!
The air of criticism makes it hard to avoid the sarcasm. I do apologize for stooping down to your level, madinigyal / green ghost.

This is how the sickness spreads... I should take a shower.