The NEW Gage Green info thread

I think most just don't like the fact that pretty much every cross is breeders stash. Breeders Stash is supposed to be untested gear and selling untested gear that cost the same prize of a zip just doesn't sit well with a lot of people. Doesn't mean that the gear isn't fire and GGG don't know how to pair parents but how many shitstorms has there been about people selling untested gear? Gu gets harped on about it and he selling pack for 60 but I love GGG one of my top 3 breeders and will continue to get gear but I think people would just like to see some of the new works not all be breeders stash but I do think the gear can warrant the price cus I haven't heard anyone say about getting tons of herms from them like some other breeders 300 packs
Well that's what they did with the new menu, they were last years breeders Stash and they threw a name on the good ones and you can buy a "tested" pack for $256... Like I have Seattle Sour x Mendobreath that is Breeder, but you can Buy it now as "Hammerhead".
Sorry big homie gotta call bullshit, what does the price of an ounce of flowers have to do with the price of a pack of beans ? All the breeder's using your gear you had to distinguish yourself (by raising prices) instead of your gear distinguishing itself . Raised prices instead of supply (laziness) . Interact only with ppl who recognize authenticity, quality and integrity (pompous, arrogant and playing towards those with deeper pockets) you scream originality so im guessing you started with all pure landrace strains (only way to be original without using someone else's crosses) You cast yourself in a bad light with comments like that to the cannabis community in general . More money , less work it's the American way !!!
hahaha damn!
Hahahaha....the cannabis community...thats a good one.

My oz go for 200 to family & non family has to pay short cuts.

What I don't get is if it's so many other breeders with fire gear....why keep looking to GGG?

Landrace is not the gold standard for when people use that.
Damn! I like that... do you have any pictures of your cured final?! I'd love to see what a master has to offer...
Lol each time he will change last year upgràde in price to 150$... for paying my school kid after breeder pack 250 because we are élite if you want you pay or fuck off but at the same time saying it's for everybody to have accès to the cat out of the bag and saying what really in his mind... m4k from 5 years and m4k from now things escalated quickly like.they said money can change à man real quick!!!
I will say they offer the Diamonds and Dust for like 50 beans for $50 or something.! That sounds like great cheap access to great gear that people Need. Then someone who is willing because of "financial stability" (which should be Freely Available to All those who wish to work for it, like back in the day) buy the Breeders Stash because they know Exactly what they're getting.
You don't think you have had more opportunity than others? I am sure other people have put in just as much work as you have but didn't have the opportunities you have been afforded and didn't get ahead in the game like you did. Not everything is based off someone's attitude and lifestyle it's often based on their circumstances and the lack of opportunities.

My point is maybe show a little more compassion . Some of us do this for medical reasons and the prices you are asking are not helping those who aren't trying to make money off this.
very good point, DIVINE PROVIDENCE was an integral part of our Founding, for only GOD allows everything to happen as it does, good or bad; but HE wants the best for all of us, if we just Trust HIM and believe then Everything begins to fall in place perfectly. Sadly you are correct, many people Suffer continuously every moment! But again they off the D&D packs for cheap... for the Poor.
yes you are...
why dont you say this in topdawg thread? they're over 200
like i said before,,,

but i dont need them to keep showing me... i've seen enough....
its called, behind closed doors... maybe they dont like to brag about it....
i dont go around telling people how much community service, donations, or volunteer work i've done...
if you do,,, your doing it for the wrong reason...
Exactly! JESUS CHRIST says "if you give alms, or pray, do it in secret. And your FATHER who sees All will reward you publicly."! Peace and Love Brothers and Sisters!
I will say they offer the Diamonds and Dust for like 50 beans for $50 or something.! That sounds like great cheap access to great gear that people Need. Then someone who is willing because of "financial stability" (which should be Freely Available to All those who wish to work for it, like back in the day) buy the Breeders Stash because they know Exactly what they're getting.

very good point, DIVINE PROVIDENCE was an integral part of our Founding, for only GOD allows everything to happen as it does, good or bad; but HE wants the best for all of us, if we just Trust HIM and believe then Everything begins to fall in place perfectly. Sadly you are correct, many people Suffer continuously every moment! But again they off the D&D packs for cheap... for the Poor.

Got a lot of d&d pack but you will only have cross of their father and mother in open pollen... not actual strain they selling, they didn't make it for the poor.. like you said but for breeding and pheno hunting and finally it's not been poor to not want to pay 250$ for a pack when I spent around the same $ on différent pack each month... peacebongsmilie
Crazy? Ad hominem much?

I will explain the situation to you without reflecting your vibe.

I'm referring to the group of individuals who come on to every public thread related to our work and diss us with everything they got. Ultimately, if you are on this boat, eventually you will be creating lies to fuel the hate. The lies I'm referring to include stories like "Gage didn't create Grape Stomper" or "Gage killed Jojorizo and took all his genetics" etc...
Damn th
Dont call me your brother. Weak.
woe... pretty harsh Brother. We should Love our Enemy, "give your enemy food and drink, and you will heap coals upon his head."
Then just be yourself! Why come and tell me how to live?

You are everything you choose to be. Not judging you, just wouldn't hire you. Or smoke with you.
Damn... you wouldn't even smoke with him!? JESUS CHRIST was a Friend of Publicans and Sinners, Drunkards and Whores, HE dined with All, Most especially the "Sinners".
Weak lol and you don't judge, seem like it's not me that have a démon
Haha yeah I don't like to throw out Possession like that, I like to Believe Most are or Will be Baptized by FIRE, THE HOLY GHOST! Possession is a Reality that is beyond any Physical Destruction we can experience. People will show you their True Colors won't they!?
im not ur bro. lol ur words show u have been privileged ur whole life.
hahahaha come on Bro!?!!
m4k was troll gold last night! i apologize to the creator of this thread! i def got lost in the moment, kinda like how when a city wins a title,then vandalizes the city that night. lol
So that makes it right? That's rule of the mob, which is Democracy. The spirit of a mob is never good. There should be peace and order, not riotous behavior from Citizens.! Especially over a child's Game!
hmmm well this was a good laugh until the religious crap came out, anyways can we keep this thread gage related please, and preferably positive. ;)
and yet your name is "rastafari"...!??!
douches like beemo or m4k pop into my head and I'm like, "naaaaah."
LOL. whos the with BOB ZMUDA the child molester as their avatar and screen name... but im the douche??? :clap:
you keep using my name, ill keep banging your FOB asian wifey....

i didnt start the racial crap, but i will call out the bigots/finish it........
are you still talking BOB... you cant even walk right without a walker and still talking shit?
while im playing/running against D-1 track athletes??? no im not dumb enough to play rec league tackle football.... dont have time to get injured.
ask stohoe about his concussions.... looking at his stats... he was a tackling dummy..... look where he's at now.... LOL
even NFL and collegiate wide receivers and quarterbacks practice their game playing FLAG FOOTBALL.... again,,, damm your dumb.... or you know nothing about SPORTS....

well flag football is up... hanging up the cleats....
now for some 5 on 5 b-ball LEAGUE...
yes those are the original LEATHER jordan flu game... my shoe collection is sick, just like my bean collection....