Well-Known Member
I'll just overlook how badly you wrote that. You've already proven your ignorance, what's a botched sentence or two after that?Take a look at this picture from 15 years ago. Number 38 to the left. Shot his team mate in the head cold blood. And then went to the game and took a knee for him Black man got away with murder cold blood with all fingers pointed. And guess. He just got arrested 5 days ago. Walked free as a black man for 15 years. I don’t care about fucking perverts who look like perverts. I’m worried about people like this. Number 38. Who can shoot you between the eyes and still look you in the face the next day to mourn. That’s scary.
Anecdotes like yours are about creating an emotional response instead of convincing somebody with reason. Pretty much meaningless for those outside your tribe.
I can match your story with another about white violence against black people where the white man was treated with kid gloves after doing the crime.
Dylan Roof for starters. The fucker entered a church, sat with a prayer group and then just opened fire, killing all but one and told them they were left alive to be a witness.
Cops open mouth kissed him when they caught him. It happens all the time. Did my story convince you? It shouldn't.
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