The Neverending Story


Well-Known Member
I was so.incredibly.baked today, and a movie has never seemed so damn corny/retarded. I kept cracking up at atreyu because I just realized how damn transgender he seems. The rockbiter kept tripping me out though.. but you guys want an interesting 90mins, watch that movie stoned..


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I watched it again too with my kid...I remembered it being a lot cooler when I was a kid...saw it as an adult and I was a little embarrassed.Remember the Dark Crystal?


Well-Known Member
since u watched that u might as well go watch the 80 movie legend(not the one with will smith).....Go watch the beach with dicaprio...always motivates me to make $$$$


Well-Known Member
the neverending story 3 was on the other night...i was watchin that...i love watching weird scifi movies when im


Well-Known Member
dude i still think labryth is the shit.... aaah well kinda i watched it a few months ago and i was like damn... this got corny lol


Well-Known Member
when I got high for my first time I watched that movie dinosaur with my friends and hated the fuck out of it. I was talking shit throughout the entire film and everyone was dying from laughter. usually when I watch movies stoned, they had better be really good or I'll be a critic


Well-Known Member
yea i like to keep these movies in my memory. there alot better there.i watch them an cant belive how cheesy they are.but Labyrinth an Neverending story an also Little shop of horrors........CLASSIC GREATS.