The Myth About Light Leaks

Difficult, time sapping and easy to forget. Somebody should invent a timer that reduces time each day by a given amount to reflect certain latitudes on Earth. The next thing you can do is find the minimum number of hours you need to hold a plant in veg. Then it would be more like the environment it came from. Especially handy for sativas I would have thought.
20-25 days maybe for veg they dont want to flower before that. and you can easily make an arduino timer and program it to go 5 min a day less i beleve thats real world but if you do it like that then you will be growing like outdoors almost half a year....

just flip it to 12h if you think about it how many breeders have made seeds and fliped she should have some genetics by now to accept a flip as normal world.
20-25 days maybe for veg they dont want to flower before that. and you can easily make an arduino timer and program it to go 5 min a day less i beleve thats real world but if you do it like that then you will be growing like outdoors almost half a year....

just flip it to 12h if you think about it how many breeders have made seeds and fliped she should have some genetics by now to accept a flip as normal world.

So no benefits of gradually changing lights like the sun would, vs just straight flipping eh?
plant will also sense the autumnal temperature drop to make it switch faster
plus, the more red-shifted spectrum
indoors doesnt have that
some pure sativa from the equatorial regions may need to be adjusted from 14/10 to 10/14 or lower to help them ripe out as they usually live in a climate without real summers/winters
Good science is hard. At the cutting edge you often have to make the equipment you need because it isn't exactly off the shelf stuff. Without even bothering to do research I don't think it would be too far out on a limb to assume the light instrument company was mot likely a result of this.

I think the real problem is people over relying on what they do know and excluding other possibilities that either haven't been or can't currently even be tested. How do you define 'high'? I'd say a majority on this forum is overly focused on THC. Well guess what. Placebo works. Pavlov's dogs salivated at a bell. Botulism toxin is deadly at 1 nanogram per kilogram of body weight. People argue curing bud doesn't increase potency because there is no change to THC levels? UV light? Please. Accept that due to inadequate research for political reasons, we don't know 1/10th of what we should at this point.
In nature there’s light at night. It’s never totally dark. There’s always starlight and moonlight. I got mine in a closet in my room and at night I close the doors. There is like 1 inch gap on top and bottom of door as well as other small gaps in the joints of the door so I know light leaks through and I’ve never had any issues with herms in many years, knock on wood
Good science is hard. At the cutting edge you often have to make the equipment you need because it isn't exactly off the shelf stuff. Without even bothering to do research I don't think it would be too far out on a limb to assume the light instrument company was mot likely a result of this.

I think the real problem is people over relying on what they do know and excluding other possibilities that either haven't been or can't currently even be tested. How do you define 'high'? I'd say a majority on this forum is overly focused on THC. Well guess what. Placebo works. Pavlov's dogs salivated at a bell. Botulism toxin is deadly at 1 nanogram per kilogram of body weight. People argue curing bud doesn't increase potency because there is no change to THC levels? UV light? Please. Accept that due to inadequate research for political reasons, we don't know 1/10th of what we should at this point.
well when curing, your plant decomposes soo its volume is smaller at the end soo technically you did increase potency hahah
Ya big sarcasm in that post.

Of course he deserves the reward of his lifes work, with the credibility to go with it... internet brads and beckys can go kick rocks in their tents
Sarcasm went all the way over my head then lol.

Im quick to defend him because i took his course, and while it was short it taught me a good bit.
plant will also sense the autumnal temperature drop to make it switch faster
plus, the more red-shifted spectrum
indoors doesnt have that
some pure sativa from the equatorial regions may need to be adjusted from 14/10 to 10/14 or lower to help them ripe out as they usually live in a climate without real summers/winters

Oh so more dark closer to finish then?

I ask , cause I'm growing purple haze, they are from a southern region.
where im at in N Cal lights not right till june usually to go straight 2 veg. I always do light assisted till then but one year i made the mistake of putting them out in early may, they finished by end of august football sized colas totally seedless?! i always get seeds in my deps and my outs r always sensi! ‍♂️
IMO, genetics does play a role when it comes to how bad a plant will herm. I've grown several strains and some are ball happy. lol But like I said, that first grow I did was herm city, but when grown outdoors, no problem. And, those 4 indoor plants were in a very tight grow space, which caused more stress. Now, I only grow 1 plant at at time and the herm problem is minimal.

I'm just sharing my experience in this area and my success in growing cannabis has emerged into a skill I never thought I would like. I don't just grow weed now, I grow an entire garden that feeds our family and friends and shades our backyard with a lush forest of life.

Here's a few pics of our happiness...
Love your garden and especially the turf… I was thinking of some artificial turf for our center path of our garden.
I thought WE canned a lot…seems to be a dying art, with a recent uptick.
Looks like you really have a knack!
I've read countless threads and comments about why an MJ plant will Herm. When I first started growing 11 years ago my first indoor grow went Herm wild on me. All 4 plants produced balls and seeds and I came here to find answers. The conclusion? Find those damn light leaks!!

So I go on a rampage, finding every single sliver of possible light that might sneak into my grow room. The conclusion? The plants still went Herm on me, even after making sure my plants went to sleep in total darkness.

Then I go to the next stage of my grow experience by growing outdoors, using the same seeds from my indoor grow. During the grow and at harvest I didn't find a single ball or seed on any of the plants. This puzzled me but became my here and now answer to this problem. After growing indoor and outdoor for a few more years the same situation prevailed; balls and seeds on my indoor, but not outdoor, unless, the outdoor plant went through a super stressful event, like intense heat. And even then, only a minute Herm event on the outdoor plant.

I also observed the light that would hit my outdoor plants during the evening hours when flowering was taking place. Our home windows are right next to the plants we grow and we never covered the windows to stop the light from tagging the plants. This is where I really began to put the pieces together. If my outdoor grow is just fine with being hit with an outside light source and NOT Herm, I began to realize that light leaks were not my problem.

Well, many years later, through trial and error, my conclusion is light leaks DO NOT cause a plant to Herm, indoor or outdoor. It's stress, period.

And the indoor stress that is wholly responsible for a plant throwing out some balls to pollinate itself is LIGHT. Not a light leak, but your grow lights. This unnatural enviroment where we use intense lights to produce fantastic buds is your Herm enemy.

Now, this part of my post doesn't have anything to do with my above reference, but I actually like when my indoor grow will throw out some balls to give me some seeds. Why? Because they are feminized and the exact same strain I'm growing. The more I grew, the better I got at using the Herm to give me more of the same for my next grow.
Truth I have 3 tents 2 cheap mats hydro 27”x27”x5’2” and another MH 2x4 same high. I have and still pump out 30” plants with 28-35 day veg and flip they are so used and abused they have tears pin holes and what not. I tape em but stink not light proof at all no herms cause I do t stress em. Either seed or clones I give 1 month and change veg in2 gallon pots of soil that has 25% native soil on em so they stay wet longer less watering less water stresss and just compost teas Haven’t had a single herm in 7 years out of any of my tents especially the old cheap ones that I use the most the big gorilla tent is for the moms. Stress is the number 1 cause of hermies. Whether it heat over watering and to much plant training. Do all HST LST In veg and early flower and leave en alone
Thanks for sharing your experience man, I'm sure we all have a lot left to learn about our beloved plant!
My father use to say well u learned now, when a ground hog would get my plants or I would want to believe 1 plant was female whe I showed me he wasn’t. Pops said it not a loss Joe it learning, I bet u won’t make that mistake again.
I used to get hermits all time using bag seeds etc but now almost never (I open my tent all time bc I work 14 hrs a day) I got em with a light here n there for a minute or two no problems - I think it’s a light that leaks for the entire night
IMO, genetics does play a role when it comes to how bad a plant will herm. I've grown several strains and some are ball happy. lol But like I said, that first grow I did was herm city, but when grown outdoors, no problem. And, those 4 indoor plants were in a very tight grow space, which caused more stress. Now, I only grow 1 plant at at time and the herm problem is minimal.

I'm just sharing my experience in this area and my success in growing cannabis has emerged into a skill I never thought I would like. I don't just grow weed now, I grow an entire garden that feeds our family and friends and shades our backyard with a lush forest of life.

Here's a few pics of our happiness...

We should hang out. Im doing the same stuff lmao