The Mysterious Case Of Jill Stein's Surging Recount Costs

Did Hillary just get dunked on?

She lost by less than 100,000 votes total in 3 states...

She leads by 2million votes overall.

She did 7% less well on average in places with voting machines/compared to places with paper ballots in those same 3 crucial states.

It MIGHT be nothing, but if your wife is 7 months pregnant and you only got back from a two year tour 2 months ago then you've been cucked, bro...
You can find those 2 million and more in just two states: California and New York.
I bet they didn't think throwing crates of tea into the harbor would eventually lead to the collapse of the largest Empire the world has ever known.

Hitlery rolled for Obummer in '12 when offered a '16 spot (as Bernie did this cycle).

Are you saying that Stein is of such stalwart character that she would quail @ a similar offer?

Seems a stretch to believe she's doing it for the sake of the republic after calling Clit'n a hawk destined to bring about WWIII .
Responding to the whining insinuations of the alt-right, Stein's campaign has created segregated accounts for the recount fund to ensure that they can no longer bitch about her motives.