the mother plant


Active Member
hey guys, im trying to learn more about them to see if i should have one.

you need to have it in its own room under 24 hours light so it never flowers right? then you just keep taking the clones off the mother plant to keep the strain consistent. also how long can a mother plant last for if cared for correctly.

can people who have mother plants post up some pics just so i can see for my own eyes.



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Mothers are for producing. I never flower mine and once they are producing I keep them under 18/6. In the past I have even put 4 plants in a large tub to make a huge mother for clones. You can keep it vegging for ever, well not forever but a long time, lol. Longest I have kept mine is a almost a year to keep an outdoor strain alive until next season. When I am done with the mother, I chuck it, but always keep a back up for the strain if you want to keep it going. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
thanks mate, so when the mother pretty much just wants to die you can take a clone off that and make another mother and it will still be consistent.

and i was also wondering where people keep there 'mothers'. im thinking of keeping it separate from the grow room in spare closet or something under some vegging lights and have the clones with it and once the clones are ready to grow i can put them in the grow room under the HPS.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I keep it separate, I have a veg room and a bloom room. Just rotate them when need to. Ya I take a few clones from the mother before getting rid of it. But I make sure the clones take first, before chucking the mom. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Why on earth do you throw away your mother when your done???? Thats crazy have you any Idea the amount of bud you would get off a mother that was vegged for a year before flowering, but I do agree you should always take a few clone from a mother before you flower it so you can keep the strain alive.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Why on earth do you throw away your mother when your done???? Thats crazy have you any Idea the amount of bud you would get off a mother that was vegged for a year before flowering, but I do agree you should always take a few clone from a mother before you flower it so you can keep the strain alive.
It has served her purpose, and I have lots more from the clones to do it again.


Well-Known Member
I guess if you have a constant harvest maybe you don't need it, but I have a constant harvest and have never ever considered throwing away a mother instead of flowering it. I see that your staff so is there something you know about flowering mothers being bad that I as a fairly new grower have yet to hear.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Naw, that is just the way I do it. I know lots of people that flower mothers. To each their own. :mrgreen::peace: