Active Member
Yep, I'd call the po-po and tell them there was a burglary in process. Then I'd grab a gun, preferably two, and go stand guard in the shed until they show up. 

Dude, black bear can open anything! Even bear-proof canisters! Raccoons are able to open mason jars too. Black bear will climb through a window. This time of year, animals are feeding like crazy, they need to fatten up before the snow starts to fall. If not an animal then you have a spirit who likes to smoke, LOL!!!
raccoons hahahaDon't ignore the obvious - aside from Humans, Simians & Octopus nothing else can open jars that I'm aware of.
Seems like you might be disreguarding the evidence before you.
the kind of hidden gem posts like this are the ones that truly make RIU memorableSo this is your grow, meaning aside from costs for nutrients and soil, the crop is FREE for you. You put it into MASON jars.
It's well known that pretty much any conspiracy or occult happening can be attributed to these Masters of Mystery. Occult is a word that, when traced to its origins, simply means hidden. Obviously the perpetrator of this was hidden - you didn't see them.
Take a look at their universal symbol representing them and their sister organization, the Illuminati. Notice anything in particular about the coor???? It's GREEN like your GROW. COINCIDENCE?
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You're asserting that you will need THUMBS to open these jars, right?
Have you EVER seen a freemason without thumbs? I THINK NOT.
You may have brushed this off as nothing important, but, like all the other sheep in the masses, you've been BLINDED by their schemes. THEY have infiltrated the media, the schools, the government, and yes, THEY are lurking right here in this forum!
I hope you will see this before it is too late - I am posting this from an anonymous location and I'm behind 7 proxies because they are after ME for giving away these secrets. Don't be surprised if this post is deleted very soon.
Lighten up, it was sarcasm.No it posts like this that make ppl think youre fucking crazy. I dont come onto a cannabis forum to be preached your paranoid rhetoric. It started out funny but then.. well lets just say u take a silly thing too seriously. im sorry for being negative but i will formulate my ideas about conspiracy theories on my own time. Once again I am terribly sorry.
Majority voted Raccoons hey, that's why them fuckers wear those masks so we won't recognize fuckers Raccoons Love the Herb too!!!lol.Here is what I think it is: your parents. Where they home when you were doing all this harvesting? They went back there to see what you were doing and found your stash. Prob angry at you about growing on their porperty and storing enough to get a felony charged, prob opened one dumped it on the ground. Prob. took a deep breath and went back inside to figure out what to do about it. They left you a message: dont grow this shit in my house. Lucky they didnt dump it all in the trash and not let you retrieve it.
Was it at night? If so, it is possible a racoon got at it and opened it. They got good hands and unlock/untied shit pretty easy.