The most efficient grow rooms

A lil tid bit of info. Cheapest way to clone so far is aero cloners with just tap at 76-78 degrees and pool shock every 5 days. All I do is take a cutting by cutting straight, no diagonal bs, cut a node or two, and set in cloner. 5-7 days later, roots reaching the water. Nothing but pure tap.

Seems like all many growers are doing is make outdated or incorrect methods more efficient. I'm constantly improving and am not afraid to change a setup completely. I also draw from my experience working at a Nissan vehicle plant. Talk aout efficiency. I also look at how crops which are only worth pennies per pound are grown indoors (Europe and cold climates mostly).

Long ago I said I would never buy canna specific products. They are all just rebadged crap thats available for way less from other industries.

I'll just be quiet and post pics of the dispo ads showing the $1/g when it drops. And if you yield decent at $448/lb you should easily at the very least break even.
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i like you

Teach me more:)

Fellow growers,

It's time to man up.

I've been exaggerating and lying. I want to apologize and hope many of you forgive and forget.

I don't want to cause anyone losses so I'm starting a new thread to offer my personal advice with what I hope are no lies or exaggerations. And if anyone has an opposing opinion I promise to respect you and hear it out. Hey we all might learn something new. Reason I came here in the first place.
Fellow growers,

It's time to man up.

I've been exaggerating and lying. I want to apologize and hope many of you forgive and forget.

I don't want to cause anyone losses so I'm starting a new thread to offer my personal advice with what I hope are no lies or exaggerations. And if anyone has an opposing opinion I promise to respect you and hear it out. Hey we all might learn something new. Reason I came here in the first place.
I still like how you shut Jiji up.

Haven't seen that before.
Just got really worked up for some reason and started to inflate and deflate numbers. Sorry guys. Promise it wont happen again and if it does I'll man up to it again before any damage is done, well other than my reputation. I understand it's just a screen name on some forum but I really do care.

Thanks fellow growers. Thanks SnaFuu, hopefully soon I can actually come back and do it with only truth.
WHATTTTTTT??????!!!!! I read all that, got all pumped up just to figure out you're really a lying piece of shit!!!!!! My faith in all humanity and the cannabis world has been utterly DESTRYOED!!!!!! I cant take it. excuse me while I go OD on some wax hits.... (I can make it for 10 CENTS!! a gram. I'll show you later if I ever recover from my wax sess.
Just got really worked up for some reason and started to inflate and deflate numbers. Sorry guys. Promise it wont happen again and if it does I'll man up to it again before any damage is done, well other than my reputation. I understand it's just a screen name on some forum but I really do care.

Props for taking the road less traveled there.
WHATTTTTTT??????!!!!! I read all that, got all pumped up just to figure out you're really a lying piece of shit!!!!!! My faith in all humanity and the cannabis world has been utterly DESTRYOED!!!!!! I cant take it. excuse me while I go OD on some wax hits.... (I can make it for 10 CENTS!! a gram. I'll show you later if I ever recover from my wax sess.

WOAH!!! Don't do it just yet lol. I may have gotten worked up and exaggerated and lied a bit but there's a lot of truth and I manned up before my advice could be taken as gospel. So here's the truth about my growing:

12k watt grow, 5 tons of AC, co2, hydroponic nutrients. I pay an outrageous $3000 for space, $3,200 a month electric ($0.48kw/h), and about $800 for water, gas, etc. So about $7,000 a month or $84,000 a year. In that year I can do 5 runs comfortably. Each run yields about 18 pounds (1.5 pounds per light). So that's 90 units in one year. So $2.06 a gram covers running cost. So I can comfortably unload 20 pounds at $1 gram on special, and 70 at $5 gram regular price, and still have an $84k/yr salary.

And I truly believe anything over $5 a gram is insanity and should be reserved for really special bud, rare landrace sativas with extremely long flowering, or concentrates, etcetera.
$1 a gram, it's really coming JackHererSki. Again sorry about the lying I didn't even need it to prove my point and was only a temporary lack of character. Thanks for the props AltarNation.
Average cost per pound = $200

Yearly Cost:
$ 6,000 - Warehouse - 20' x 40' - San Diego California - 100 amp 220v 3 phase electric service
$13,000 - Electric - 10 x 1,000w lights - 5 ton air conditioning - 100 pint dehumidifier
$ 40 - 20 pounds nutrients
$ 60 - Tap water
$ 1,000 - Insurance
$10,000 - Misc. or unexpected


Can you compete? Currently getting compensated $2,800-3,200 pound in Southern California.
Typically in business you want to make a profit; but you're spending too much for what a warehouse of that size, and lighting, can yield in return. reroute some of that money and invest in a warehouse that has the dimensions to compete at a commercial level.
By the way this will be the price for members of a certain collective which offers delivery service in the San Diego area. I won't advertise but you'll know.

Anyway rumor is the deal will work something like this maybe:

All Members Always minimum $100 order
$5 any gram of flower on the menu up to 500 grams per week
$5 any tenth gram of solventless full-melt extract up to 50 grams per week

New members
$1 any gram of flower on the menu up to 5 grams one time only
$1 any tenth gram of solventless full-melt extract up to 0.5 gram one time only

Returning members while supply lasts (supply = 500g/week flower, 50g/week concentrate)
$1 any gram of flower on the menu up to 5 grams per week
$1 any tenth gram of solventless full-melt extract up to 0.5 gram per week

Terminally ill members
Free any gram of flower on the menu up to 5 grams per week
Free any tenth gram of solventless full-melt extract up to 0.5 gram per week
So by $1 gram you mean not really and by dispensary you mean you driving around in your car? :)

And btw a dispensary would never sell anything decent for less than like $8 a gram even if you were giving them pounds for free, because thats what they are making off it already and using towards their operating cost/payroll.
So by $1 gram you mean not really and by dispensary you mean you driving around in your car? :)

And btw a dispensary would never sell anything decent for less than like $8 a gram even if you were giving them pounds for free, because thats what they are making off it already and using towards their operating cost/payroll.
So by $1 gram you mean not really and by dispensary you mean you driving around in your car? :)

And btw a dispensary would never sell anything decent for less than like $8 a gram even if you were giving them pounds for free, because thats what they are making off it already and using towards their operating cost/payroll.

Money, lawyer, mutual-benefit non-profit corporation, accountants, bank accounts, offices, warehouses, employees, 1099 contractors, etc.

Quality is already the best in San Diego. Much better quality than any of the other 50+ dispensary and delivery services in the area. Honestly most competing dispensaries carry garbage product.

What do you mean not really a $1? A typical member would be fine with 5g flower and 0.5g concentrate every week for only $10. Don't like the $100 minimum order? Get some friends to pitch in.

And heck regular price would only be $5/g!