The Moral Collapse Of Western Civilization


Well-Known Member
How in the world did the U.S. change from having the best scientists in the world who were discovering vitamins, minerals, vaccines and cures for disease, to modern times, where the only medicine available is toxic with horrific side effects, and where nutrient-void, chemical-laden food is being sold at almost every restaurant and grocery store, all in the name of corporate profits that keep the public sick and in need of expensive care?
In the early 1900′s, America was chock full of small farms and families who ate fresh food from those farms. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s barely existed because the soil was rich in nutrients and minerals, and if you did get sick, a doctor would come to your home and give you some herbal tinctures or natural remedies, and that was that.
Then, after World War II, many families left their rural farms and moved closer to factories and began eating processed food that was canned and bagged, lacking the nutrients they had just a decade earlier. Then, fast food operations like McDonalds and Burger King opened up franchises all over America, feeding the public saturated fat and sugar-loaded meals that were hot, cheap, and convenient.
The United States of America is the land of the free and the home of … toxic food and venomous medicine, with chronic care waiting for its next 80 million victims. Here are some basic statistics of a country riddled with disease:
• Cancer: 1,500,000 diagnosed each year; over 50% will die of it.
• Diabetes: 25,000,000 people are diabetics right now (including children); 80,000,000 are borderline.
• Heart Disease and Strokes: 81,000,000 (every third adult) has some type of cardiovascular disease.
• Alzheimer’s Disease: 5,400,000 have Alzheimer’s right now (every 8th senior)
• Birth defects: One in every 33 babies is born with one (accounts for 20% of all infant deaths). (
Most U.S. politicians have no ethics and no morals
Once upon a time, insider trading was a scary law that meant prison time for those who violated it. Now, politicians make money off wars they declare themselves, and health insurance companies invest in fast food operations that slowly kill their own clients. Pharmaceutical companies (Merck, Pfizer, Bayer, Bristol Meyers, etc.) are run by CEO’s who served as Governors, Senators, and heads of the FDA, and the Supreme Court itself seats Judges who worked for major pharmaceutical firms, and who will return to those jobs after writing new legislation to benefit their current investments.
Make no mistake, the pesticides used on most U.S. farms give humans cancer, and the politicians who support genetically mutated foods know it. GMO means that the seedlings of fruits and vegetables are spliced with toxic pesticides in a lab, so even if you wash off your food, you are still eating dioxin, the same toxic chemical (Agent Orange) the U.S. dumped on Vietnam which gave our own soldiers cancer. (
The agencies you trust so much (FDA/CDC/AMA/CDC/ACS/Major Insurance Companies) support toxic food and toxic medicine
Politicians are supposed to represent the greater good of the people, but now politics is about bastardizing the system for as much money as possible before getting ousted from office 4 years later. Food, medicine and vaccines have become toxic catapults for profiteering by Big Pharma and Government agencies (undercover corporations).
Ever wonder how health insurance companies drum up future business? They invest in corporations whose products cause chronic degenerative disease, driving people’s health care costs through the roof. The U.S. and Canadian health insurance giants own nearly $2 billion worth of stock in fast food giants like McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, and Taco Bell.
This article was orinally published on Natural News.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Money, money changes everything
We think we know what we're doin'
That don't mean a thing
It's all in the past now
Money changes everything

- Tom Gray


Well-Known Member
To tell you the truth everything I know about or government makes me understand the mentality of a suicide bomber...maybe I can't help but I can fuck up some shit...


Well-Known Member
eh ya lost me there...when i think suicide bomber i think retard with a bomb ...only a naive retarded turd would think blowing themselves up would change a damn thing..all you will do is kill a couple innocent civilians and damage some property.


Well-Known Member
you are still makeing stuff, just mostly to kill people and control crowds with these days...

really comfy slippers

Active Member
The moral fiber of this country is no more, Why? They want it this way.. It's all about total control baby!

Move to politics board for a 100page thread

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm tired and will give a short reply now and finish off tomorrow.

If you think restaurants are serving subpar food stop going there.

If you think you are seeing too many processed foods then don't shop the aisles in the center of the store. Shop the outer perimeter of the grocery store that is where all the fresh food is found.

You're upset that people are sick. The survival of cancer is greater now then ever. Without big Pharma childhood leukemia would be killing almost 90% instead of now curing/remission of almost 90%.

Pesticides. We would have famine and people would die in mass like with the Black Plague.

I have more to say about this but I'm fading fast. Sorry, brownies.

You should look at the glass half full.


Active Member
that was long i didnt read a single word of the op nutt yeah, the us is going to crumble there's way too much power in every possible spot that power can exist. criminals, regular joes, governments peeps, too much power ineveryones hands because of bullshit laws and loppholes. we ar done fore.


Well-Known Member
Lots of cool replies but not reading it because it was long is,, hmmm lets just say it was not long. It was very short.

The feds in DC have us right where they want us. Fat, dumb and ready for slaughter. We do not have a kind, benevolent government who are looking out for well being anymore.

Our rulers are evil parasites and predators and they are about ready to rid themselves of all the useless eaters


Well-Known Member
That's what I think when someone says something is too long. "Hmm, If you think that's too long stay away from these things called books." Good post BHB. Unfortunately one can not enter politricks and make even a single dent. You will either be corrupted yourself or be silenced. The games rigged and the only option is to keep playing with the cards you're dealt.