the miracle of life.


Well-Known Member
well the title says it all im officially convinced that if my plants make it all the way through to harvest it will be a deadset miracle. im not even 2 weeks into my grow and my poor little girls have suffered through so much trauma at my hands. im a monster


Well-Known Member
My first grow went horrendously due to nute burn, they were stunted for weeks. I just kept veging them, fixed all the problems and eventually they sorted themselves out, have some faith!
It is a resilient plant, one of the males I pulled 2 weeks ago has been sitting in my kitchen, no water or light, and it is still a little green demon.


Well-Known Member
yeah its not a major deal i know what the problems are and i know how to fix them it just feels terrible to come home and see them like that. and worse comes to worse i have a backup seedling growing ready for transplant at any moment. its just as a noob u think u have it all under control. you have read all the advice. yet somehow you still manage to balls it all up lol. i think thats the point of this thread just to vent a little and let everyone else whos going through the same thing know that they arent alone.

"lifes one great big learning curve some of us learn the easy way and the rest of us have to fuck it up for ourselves first. the important thing is your still learning and growing. the second you give that up you may as well be dead."

and that my friends is the meaning of life