the man who cannot sprout a single seed :(

solid shadow

Well-Known Member
Bit of an update, I guess... one seed, which has been folded up in wet paper towels for about a week now, appears to have cracked, though no taproot is yet visible. I'll check in on it again in another 24 hours or so.

Also germinated six bell peppers and six cayenne peppers in the same room as the magic seed. In separate containers, of course.


Well-Known Member
I Have found results with seeds that wont germ the normal way by placing them (dry) in my freezer for a day or two, then start again, has worked a few times but NOT always


Well-Known Member
some seeds are just hard to germinate.i had 10 supercrystal seeds from a seedbank and could get them to germ.when i got down to my last 3 seeds i filed the edge with a nail file and 2 of them sprouted.maybe just a coinsidence but it cant hurt to try


Active Member
That's good advice- some seeds are hard to crack (including vegetable seeds). A master gardener gave me advice to chip at the surface of the seeds with a nail file to crack the outside slightly and enable moisture to penetrate better.

While I'm no pro at growing weed, I grow everything else well and have been gardeningfrom seed for a while. Disregard any negative comments. It isn't you, it's most definitely the seeds. Either the seeds are underdeveloped or they're old and either way if this is the case they'll be tough to germ. Use bag seed to test your germ efforts then order from one of the seedbanks to get fresh, viable seeds and you'll probably have much better luck.


Well-Known Member
Take 1 plate, place on this 4 sheets of kitchen towel, soaked but not dripping, put your seeds on the paper towel, cover with 4 more sheets, again wet but not dripping, cover with another plate, wrap the whole thing in a bath or hand towel, place this package into a room with a constant temp of 27 C. DO NOT use any nutes at this stage BUT DO make sure your pH is 6 or as near as possible, check your bundle everyday, lift the top 4 sheets of paper carefully up and look, if not ready, repeat as before, DO NOT let the paper towel dry out, keep it moist/damp.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got a black thumb for trees. might just be best if you hang up the growing and just stick to buying.
that is def. harsh dude!

just keep trying man..they'll pop out sooner or later..i just plant my seeds rite into 1" rock wool cubes..once i see roots growing out the bottom of the cubes i transplant into soil!


Well-Known Member
if you want to try you could try to very carfuly crack open the seed with out doing harm to the inside and plant the inside into soil. some times the seedlings might not have enough strength to crack the seed open so you might have to help it out. or the seeds could have been no good


Well-Known Member
Bro cheer up it's definitly the seeds! I just get the feeling it is because 17 seeds!!!? And you did try a few good germinating methods, so don't get down bro just bad seeds!

Cheers :D


Plant directly in a 3 foot high pot to be sure that root could maximumly expand !!! Also poke holes for good drainage.
Just keep your plant temperture inbeetween 70c - 85c will do.
Use cfl's at least 4 ( 4x 23w) on 18 hours a day. And 12 hours a day for flowering stage.
Try to buy some perlite to mix in some PROMIX soil or any good quality soil to oxygenize the soil ( for healthy roots ).
Allways have a mini fan and a window open near by for good air circulation.Seedling tend to grow stonger when they move.
I water when its dry and olny bottled watter or water that sat in the room for at least 24h.(let the clorhine evaporate)


dude dont be discouraged. i had a friend that handed me about 12 different strains. no less than 4 seeeds a bag. went through every single one of them. and now we got down to the last seed of the whole batch and it finally sprouted. i am more than determined to believe its all abotu viable seeds. i would buy some first, then if you like the strain, start cloning! and that all meat no poatato guy, youre a tool. notice how he isnt claiming to be the best green thumb out there. see how it says "newbie central"??? asshole