The Lucas System Anyone?


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that this guy named Lucas found a correct mixture of FloraMicro and FloraBloom, without having to use the third bottle FloraGrow. Has anyone used this? I think the recipe is 8ml FloraMicro/gal and 16ml FloraBloom/gal, but I want to make sure... Also, does anyone know a cheap and effective way to distill your water?


Hey green,

The lucas formula uses floraMicro and floraBloom at a ratio of 2:1 throughtout your plants life. You start it about 2-4 weeks into veg at half strength, but that all depends on the genetics your growing, all plants are different. Basiclly floraMicro contains enough nitrogen for veg growth, and when added with bloom the plant gets all it needs at a very basic level. This formula is made for beginners and is very hard to fuck up, but remember LESS is MORE when it comes to growing your girls. I'm learning that the hard way lol.

The formula was created using RO water so if you do as well results should be fairly constant, assuming you have control over the growing environment. Tap water should be fine though unless you know of any specific reason to not trust it. Just make sure your PH is right before letting your girls touch the water. Also, once you have "dialed in" to what your girls like, you can add other nutes and experiement a little. Again LF is a very basic nute plan and is great to learn from. I plan on using it for my next set up, I'm hoping to make it a perpetual grow but we will see how that turns out :)

I'm tired and kinda high so I lost my train of thought, but if I missed anything sorry. Gl with your future grows!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your help! - I finally got my pH down. - But this is my first time, so tell me what yall think of this color.. - adequate for ebb n flow? - i hope its somewhere in the right area..IMG_0249.jpg


Id say that's at around a 6 so you want to bring to to 5.8-5.9. That's always safe for hydro. My next investment is the trimeter from nutradip. digital readings of PH, PPM and temp. If you don't have something like this I would recommend it when ever you can afford it. Those 3 readings would have saved me a A LOT of headaches in my 1st grow. Besides, test strips are hard to tell for sure.