Oh good grief. I was probably growing and selling weed before you were even born. I've know dozens of illicit growers over the years many with large operations and none of them cured their weed. They wanted it gone as soon as possible and people wanted it as soon as it was ready. So once it was dry it was sold.
The reality is that outside of the small minority of growers going on and on about curing the vast majority don't even know what curing weed is. Most grow it and smoke it. You seem to think that because people on cannabis forums do it that it's the norm. It isn't. For every 1 grower on a cannabis forum fiddling with curing and all the other cannabis specific stuff including nutrients, flushing and other nonsense there are thousands of people growing weed that just go down and buy a bag of potting soil, grow weed, dry it, and smoke it. There are more growers that don't cure their weed than those that do.
I also don't think curing improves anything. It's a fact that terpenes degrade over time. Terpenes are what gives flavor and smell so how does degradation of terpenes improve weed? People say it makes it smoother. Well of course it does just like dried culinary herbs lose their flavor and smell over time becoming bland. I don't like bland weed. I prefer fresh weed with as much terpenes as possible. Not old weed that's been in a jar for months after the terpenes have been degrading.