The little plants that could thread!


Well-Known Member
So I have never grown outdoors this will be the first time!! .... so story goes I had some plants inside, decided to not go through with the grow because of the people that come to my house and such. So I just left them in there with no lights, water or anything for weeks, probably 2-3 weeks.

I went in finally one day to go throw them all away and surprisingly somehow two of them looked to be somewhat still alive maybe. The rest was all brown and droop'd for sure dead, these was still kinda perky and green, alot of leaves was almost white in color.

So i said what the hell Il give them a chance, almost sure they would die and placed them outback in the yard. As the days went by they continued to get worse and loose leaves very fast. Was sure they would die. Had a few storm come through etc. Went outside one day and they had a ton of new growth and was looking alot better.

So Im gonna let them grow outside this year hidden in a patch of a bunch of overgrown crap in a fenced in area of my back yard that fairly hidden. The one bigger one I have faith will be fine alot of new good growth and no signs of hermie yet. The smaller one had such a hard time I fear it may go hermie and have a few spots that almost look like male preflowers but may just be new growths starting will have to wait and see!

So here are some pics of how they are now just trimmed most the dead leaves, had to bring them inside tonight due to a frost thats coming in the morning. I think the bigger one will turn into a bush before its all done!! lol.. they will be going into 5 gal buckets as their health returns.. Enjoy and stay tuned!!



Well-Known Member
Wow know one interested in this... huh.... well anyways will get new pics up 2 moro they are looking better and better everyday however my one big one looks like its still progressing through flowering, putting them outside should have stoped any flowering that had started and re-veg'd them but I swear my one biggest one looks like its still trying to flower... any thoughts? Also they are in 5 gal buckets now and should really start to grow!!