Well-Known Member
Actually, no I did not vote for them. I didnt vote at all. If you continued to follow my posts, within weeks of the vote I was sick of their constant lying. I wont vote for outright liars. I believe Obama policies make gas prices rise, yes I do, still do. You have some facts to show otherwise? When I say facts, facts everyone agrees with, not that can be contested by 20 different "facts".
Now we know what is going to happen next. Are you paying attention at all? Our economy is screwed man, sorry you dont see it.
400k+ unemployment benefit applications last month. Even with Sandy it is astronomical.
Now, show me some facts to change the facts I already know about them and I will be willing to change my mind.
I have shown over and over again how Obama has nothing to do with the price of gas rising - I have posted graphs and numbers and reasoning. I will make it short - the price of gas cannot rise based upon Obama's policies if we our primary export is now.... gas. Obama has nothing to do with the over all fluctuations of the price of fuel.
Now the problem is that you want "facts everyone can agree with" and that isn't going to happen so long as you don't see the facts as.... facts and adhere to a viewpoint first and facts second, which is exactly what you are doing when you clam that this president has something to do with gas prices.
oh, so now, because Obama took a nearly collapsed economy and tried to at least level things, our economy is screwed right? Let's take a little look at who is "screwing" the economy yet again. Your brethren are making a hard line stand over rasing taxes on the wealthy or we go over that physcal cliff that they thenmselves agreed to - with a bipartisan committee that they helped create. Now because they have made some assinine Nordquist pledge to never raise taxes and they are sticking to it (even though they can't seem to stick to any other pledge), then we are going to go back into the dumpster - and they will be rooting around to find some way to blame Obama. It won't work, just as this election was a disaster for them. Republicans have proven over and over again that they care not one whit for this country and they are likely to do it again, just before their demise.
I doubt you are willing to change your mind because I have already given you figures on gas and posted them several times, and it seems you haven't paid any attention to them.
And that, sir, is was my original point.
Conservativism, in it's current state is a dead horse, there is no country on earth that practices it to their advantage, we have 30 years going on 40 of proof that their concepts and ideology doesn't work and we are stuck with the consequences of their attempts. Yet all they have to offer us by way of explaination is that we havn't acted conservative enough.
Time to get off that track or find another train Althor - your ideology is officialy bankrupt.