The LED wont let me be!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SLT4x4:
Yeah, they are mainstream... what was I thinking...


No, they're cutting edge. Ahead of the curve. HID are going the way of buggy whips...and fast.


Well-Known Member
Look, think what you will, I was trying to discuss facts. Your mind is closed.
You seem to have an agenda...

I think LED systems have a way to go before they become mainstream and I am not going to talk a growing newbie into spending an excessive amount of cash on systems that have inconsistent quality and no standards and are not supported anywhere near as well in communities like this as the HPS systems.

They may become mainstream in time but for now they are a niche market for hobby growers. I would be really interested in seeing a commercial LED grow in a large space. 400 - 2000 sq ft. and hear how much it cost to buy all those LED's.


Well-Known Member
You seem to have an agenda...

I think LED systems have a way to go before they become mainstream and I am not going to talk a growing newbie into spending an excessive amount of cash on systems that have inconsistent quality and no standards and are not supported anywhere near as well in communities like this as the HPS systems.

They may become mainstream in time but for now they are a niche market for hobby growers. I would be really interested in seeing a commercial LED grow in a large space. 400 - 2000 sq ft. and hear how much it cost to buy all those LED's.
You're sadly uniformed, but I'm done trying to educate you.


You seem to have an agenda...

I think LED systems have a way to go before they become mainstream and I am not going to talk a growing newbie into spending an excessive amount of cash on systems that have inconsistent quality and no standards and are not supported anywhere near as well in communities like this as the HPS systems.

They may become mainstream in time but for now they are a niche market for hobby growers. I would be really interested in seeing a commercial LED grow in a large space. 400 - 2000 sq ft. and hear how much it cost to buy all those LED's.
I understand and agree with your sentiment but isnt it like most things: the more research and effort involved in something the better the end result? True there arent standards as many just suck ass and some are mediocre but cost 1k+. But I still think if given the correct amount of research in a product or DIY construction one can reach comparable results. Maybe even just a watt for watt equivalence but even then the LED would be better on heat as well as no RF transmission as well as maintenance costs. If someone wants to jump into something betting on the results and research of others i would have to say HID would be the choice hands down but really it comes down to the person and their limiting factors.


Well-Known Member
Thank god for that. With all the facts you were throwing at me I didnt know what to do...

*Above the curve*, *buggywhips*, *I once knew this guy...*


Well-Known Member
I understand and agree with your sentiment but isnt it like most things: the more research and effort involved in something the better the end result? True there arent standards as many just suck ass and some are mediocre but cost 1k+. But I still think if given the correct amount of research in a product or DIY construction one can reach comparable results. Maybe even just a watt for watt equivalence but even then the LED would be better on heat as well as no RF transmission as well as maintenance costs. If someone wants to jump into something betting on the results and research of others i would have to say HID would be the choice hands down but really it comes down to the person and their limiting factors.
That may be true or it might just go the way of the 8-track. Maybe plasma is the light of the future, who knows? But right now LED's are not for everybody and that was my point.


Well-Known Member
I understand and agree with your sentiment but isnt it like most things: the more research and effort involved in something the better the end result? True there arent standards as many just suck ass and some are mediocre but cost 1k+. But I still think if given the correct amount of research in a product or DIY construction one can reach comparable results. Maybe even just a watt for watt equivalence but even then the LED would be better on heat as well as no RF transmission as well as maintenance costs. If someone wants to jump into something betting on the results and research of others i would have to say HID would be the choice hands down but really it comes down to the person and their limiting factors.
There are head to head labratory comparisons which challenge your notions, And the ridiculous comments above are typically imbicilic. Go to the technical data at and learn some things you obviously are unaware of. Or the data at Lumigrow, or the Independent Lab tests. If you want the truth, go get it.


I dont doubt that the LED's are will be the way to go,however,Until the price of the systems come way down I wont be willing to spend that kind of money when I have a great HID system that has been proven to work by the numbers.I was very tempted to buy a setup until I saw the cost and the size of the unit.LED"s dont cost that much to build,the guys who build and sell these things are making a killing,I just hope someone will come up with an comparable system all around that will match or surpass the HID for around the same price,Then I will make the jump and try them out.For me its all about being able to afford them and have them take the place of my HID no be a supplement.


There are head to head labratory comparisons which challenge your notions, And the ridiculous comments above are typically imbicilic. Go to the technical data at and learn some things you obviously are unaware of. Or the data at Lumigrow, or the Independent Lab tests. If you want the truth, go get it.
im guessing you read "i agree" thats it.... did you understand what im saying? the only thing i agreed with him on was his intentions. Other than that im with you man i own over $1400 in LED. But im the "imbicilic" one.... Can you give me a link to a lab study? or perhaps something other than what has to say? Chill out man and read the entire post before you go ape-shit. Jeez


Beau, it boils down to how much work you wanna put in if its not that much go with HID its time tested. It has its drawbacks but so does LED atm. It is way easier right now to get burnt on shitty leds that are being sold for prices ranging hi to low. I decided to go led and i have been very pleased thus far with my results but its not for everyone. Also, take everyones opinion with a grain of salt, they are expensive so most people only have one brand since they dont break and need replacing and because people put that much money into that one company they are god above all others. A little research either way you go is the best advice i could give you as far as what lights you should get in that price range. GG man


Well-Known Member
im guessing you read "i agree" thats it.... did you understand what im saying? the only thing i agreed with him on was his intentions. Other than that im with you man i own over $1400 in LED. But im the "imbicilic" one.... Can you give me a link to a lab study? or perhaps something other than what has to say? Chill out man and read the entire post before you go ape-shit. Jeez
Yeah, I'm sorry I used your quote like that, it was just to make a point. I didn't mean it pointedly at you. Sorry.

The imbicile reference was about posts above yours. I should've clarified that, but I've grown weary of this and was sloppy.

I've spent hours and days combing the literature till my eyes bled, but I don't keep bibliographies, everyone needs to do their own due diligence, if they're really interested.

I'm not out to sway anyone, just to set the record straight. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but when opinion gets mixed into discussions of fact, it becomes dogmatic...and goes nowhere.

Peace, and sorry again. You're right.

edit: And the price is not as bad as some think. Comparing wattages is hugely deceptive. Rated wattage and actual operating wattage vary greatly. And the nature of the beam is crucial. That's why Kessil has such an interesting technology.


Well-Known Member
Beau, it boils down to how much work you wanna put in if its not that much go with HID its time tested. It has its drawbacks but so does LED atm. It is way easier right now to get burnt on shitty leds that are being sold for prices ranging hi to low. I decided to go led and i have been very pleased thus far with my results but its not for everyone. Also, take everyones opinion with a grain of salt, they are expensive so most people only have one brand since they dont break and need replacing and because people put that much money into that one company they are god above all others. A little research either way you go is the best advice i could give you as far as what lights you should get in that price range. GG man

Thank you very much for the advice. Ill take it to heart.

I have done a lot of research on the topic of LED hid and HPS, and have found that the cost of all the ventilation, fans, pipes, filters and all that jazz that comes with hid and hps cost more than the LED light itself.

LED is more practical for smaller spaces and fewer pants.

I agree on the factor that the HID and HPS lights have had more testing, but this is because people are scared to try new things, and the led technology isnt quite at paramount yet; but soon.

What makes an HID so much better than an LED?

And can an HID be used without any form of ventilation, cooling in a small area?

Lastly, What are the names of the best LED panels in terms of cost and performance. Im looking in the area of about 180w.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sorry I used your quote like that, it was just to make a point. I didn't mean it pointedly at you. Sorry.

The imbicile reference was about posts above yours. I should've clarified that, but I've grown weary of this and was sloppy.

I've spent hours and days combing the literature till my eyes bled, but I don't keep bibliographies, everyone needs to do their own due diligence, if they're really interested.

I'm not out to sway anyone, just to set the record straight. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but when opinion gets mixed into discussions of fact, it becomes dogmatic...and goes nowhere.

Peace, and sorry again. You're right.

edit: And the price is not as bad as some think. Comparing wattages is hugely deceptive. Rated wattage and actual operating wattage vary greatly. And the nature of the beam is crucial. That's why Kessil has such an interesting technology.
Thank you for all of your LED support and backing up. I totally agree that LED is the way of the future and the integration should start now.

About those Kessil lights,
Can i just buy one magenta light and use it for an entire grow from veg til flowering?

or would i need a panel, and if so, which one!




Well-Known Member
Beau, you are on the right track. For small areas, you can't beat Kessil magentas if you want one light, from start to finish.

You should be sure you have a solid customer service and warranty. The 180w selective switch light @ looks like a winner to me. Ben Alexander bought 4 of them, so talk to him, he was impressed by the 3yr warranty and the customer serv. dept., as well as the light.

Not only do you avoid heating issues, including heat signatures, high electricity costs, etc. You reduce fire danger, considerably.

LED tech, is here. It's not a thing of the future.

Good luck.


Maybe those smaller Kessils are the way to go... but dont think your gonna just write off fans and stuff, i should be getting a can fan in today cuz when i run 660w it gets 90 deg in there. when i flower ill be running 960w so itll be super hot. It is what it is.

Viagro, no hard feelings man shit happens and i know how it is.


Well-Known Member
thank you so much guys. Very informative and helpful.

Ill start up a grow journal as soon as i get my lights in!

Keep in touch.
