The leaves on my seedling look weird. HELP?


I'm very new at growning. This is my first time and i dont know what to expect. One plant looks fine and the older one looks a little weird to me. Is it normal? Thanks. :joint:

This one has its first leaves practically grown and they look very good. This one is 11 days old :clap:

good plant.aspx.jpg

This one has its first leaves showing but there very dark and crinkled. It is about 2 weeks old. :cry:

bad plant.aspx.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah def agree w balzac the taproot is gonna be really L shaped when it hit the bottom of the cup LOL but is still okay just carefully transplant into larger pots w soil filled up to about an inch or two from the top so the roots have more space to grow. The taproot btw even for a small seed, grows about 4-6 inches within that 2 week time frame.
Also P.S. the stem if its seen correctly from the blurry pic looks to be a little water logged and...dont see any perlite. Add that to help with drainage so your roots dont rot over time. dont just add more soil to those cups you'll end up possibly making the stem rot. Just take it out of the cup and transplant carefully to another pot w alot more soil :)

Other than that enjoy the grow and remember dont overwater(as in let the soil get dry for about 5 days, then if the leaves start to droop a little bit then give them a good rinse, then repeat whenever they look thirsty again) they'll tell you when theyre thirsty ;)