the latest ..just today..on obamas failures.

My comments are points that I believe deserve answers.

Unfortunately most have no idea as to what is going on, and none of it is good.

I never stated that any of you blindly supported Obama. I simply want people to look at what he is doing, and make informed decisions.
This is my country too, and Obama has a mandate to act in our best interest - not his own.

What exactly has the savior accomplished to date.
What about all his promises?
What redeeming qualities has he displayed?
When are those who voted for him going to hold his feet to the fire, and demand he fulfills the promises he used to get into office?
He has screwed EVERY AMERICAN, and accomplished nothing he promised.
Too many want to give Obama a free pass on everything.

It was Obama who said he could fix everything if elected
It was Obama who said we must pass his stimulus and everything would be OK.
It was Obama who said if we pass his stimulus plan that unemployment would stay below 9%
It was Obama who promised millions of new jobs.
It was Obama who promised that no taxpayer making less than $250K would pay more taxes.
It was Obama who promised transparency in everything he did.
It was Obama who said he would stop pork barrel spending.
It was Obama who said no more lobbyists in government jobs.
It is Obama's administration that has hired so many staff with legal / tax issues.
It is Obama staging questions at press conferences, and town hall meetings instead of dealing honestly with the issues.

Obama promised you the world if elected, and now says it is not his fault - he begged for the job, he was not forced into it.
He has played all the idealists who actually believed the change he promised would be for the good.

1. Obama didn't say he would fix everything RIGHT AWAY.
2. Obama did not say the stimulus would fix EVERYTHING RIGHT AWAY
3. I am unsure of how many jobs Obama's stimulus has created, but I bet it's not many. I am not a fan of his stimulus bills, however.
4. Obama has not been transparent, he has not ended pork barrel spending, and he has not ended lobbying. In these areas, he lied, as usual.
5. Every administration that i can remember hired people who were unethical or committed some wrongdoing.
6. Every politician stages questions and relies upon prompted answers. It's the status quo, so you cannot criticize him solely for doing this. Criticize everyone who does it.
7. Obama did not promise the world. You made that up. I will give you a million dollars if you can find a speech where he promised the world.
8. He may have played the idealists and pandered to their desire for something other than Bush and the neo-cons. Remember, there was an absolute vacuum of power. Bush was such a miserable failure, people would have taken ANYTHING else. Unfortunately, the only thing offered was Obama. The circumstances were similar to Germany when Hitler took power. The people wanted ANYTHING....SOMETHING different. If Bush hadn't been such a failure, McCain would have had a chance.

So as a final note, you exaggerate greatly in your criticisms of Obama. He did lie and offered empty promises, but everyone expected that. ALL politicians lie and offer empty promises. McCain and Palin already had a track of doing that as well. I repeat, EVERY politician does it. So how is Obama different from any other politician? He's not. He's the same. They all lie, cheat, and steal. They all protect corporations and lobbyists.
It took 8 years of horrible leadership to get us into this mess. What makes you people think that it's going to suddenly turn around overnight just because we got a new president?

FYI, the President isn't all-powerful. Most decisions are actually made by Congress, not the President.

Yes, Obama said he would fix the economy. He also said it isn't going to happen overnight. It hasn't, so how did he lie about that? It's not like he said "I'll get us out of this recession by July".

Every politician makes promises that they know full well they aren't going to be able to keep. It's called campaigning.

While I'm not entirely happy with what's happening in our country today, at least I am able to realize that Obama is not entirely to blame. This country was fucked already when he took office. Did you really expect that to change in the blink of an eye?

Someone said that Obama has screwed over every person in America. I don't feel screwed at all, so please tell me how Obama has screwed me over.
You don't feel it yet, its like a person over your shoulder, its there but it hasn't hurt you directly yet. soon you will feel its hand upon you. Give it another year, summer 2010 you should really be starting to feel the governments shaft up your rectum by then.

remember that as long as FDR was President we were in the depression the whole time due to his socialist policies. Obama probably won't be much different, but time will tell.
You don't feel it yet, its like a person over your shoulder, its there but it hasn't hurt you directly yet. soon you will feel its hand upon you. Give it another year, summer 2010 you should really be starting to feel the governments shaft up your rectum by then.

remember that as long as FDR was President we were in the depression the whole time due to his socialist policies. Obama probably won't be much different, but time will tell.

The recession will begin to turn around in the first quarter of 2010 and will be well on it's way to recovery by the summer of 2010 - that's my prediction. I will even put big money on it. PM me if interested.
The recession will begin to turn around in the first quarter of 2010 and will be well on it's way to recovery by the summer of 2010 - that's my prediction. I will even put big money on it. PM me if interested.

You got any evidence to back up this statement?

FWIW Its not a recession when we have nearly 20% unemployment,or do you believe the governments claim of 9.6%?
You got any evidence to back up this statement?

FWIW Its not a recession when we have nearly 20% unemployment,or do you believe the governments claim of 9.6%?

I have no evidence - only intuition.

And it may be worse than a recession - I haven't a clue. Remember, I'm not justifying Obama's tactics in trying to solve the recession/depression. And I believe little that the government claims - very little. While I'm not a pyrrhonist skeptic, I always employ a healthy amount of doubt.
Well you can't argue against ones intuition, I feel you are very wrong, but I can't hold it against you. There are so many more things yet come to pass, Option ARM defaults, Commercial Real Estate is going to start collapsing at the end of this year. If the cap and trade bill is passed that will do a huge amount of damage also. When the banks are forced to mark to market all those valuless Derivatives and need another bail out.... Its not JUST Obama's doing, its been happening since Reagan. We all are to blame, not just the greedy evil bankers and bought and paid for congress and presidents.
Well you can't argue against ones intuition, I feel you are very wrong, but I can't hold it against you. There are so many more things yet come to pass, Option ARM defaults, Commercial Real Estate is going to start collapsing at the end of this year. If the cap and trade bill is passed that will do a huge amount of damage also. When the banks are forced to mark to market all those valuless Derivatives and need another bail out.... Its not JUST Obama's doing, its been happening since Reagan. We all are to blame, not just the greedy evil bankers and bought and paid for congress and presidents.

You're right in that our current problem is the result of many factors over many years. The blame is spread all around - individual actions all the way up to those of the government. Recent economical news has been disheartening, but I do think the turn around will begin in early 2010. I look at cycles and trends and wholeheartedly believe that rhetoric and propaganda have a huge hand in this debacle. But I don't know - we will see. I hope some democrats start to stand up to Obama and hold him accountable - esp. with 60.
You don't feel it yet, its like a person over your shoulder, its there but it hasn't hurt you directly yet. soon you will feel its hand upon you. Give it another year, summer 2010 you should really be starting to feel the governments shaft up your rectum by then.

remember that as long as FDR was President we were in the depression the whole time due to his socialist policies. Obama probably won't be much different, but time will tell.
Honestly, the gov't has had it's shaft up my rectum since I was born. I am under no delusions that this is a free country. I've lived here all my life, long enough to realize that our so-called "liberty and justice for all" is a complete farce. Liberty in the US is bought and sold, just like any other commodity. If you don't have the money, you don't get liberty and justice. Period.