• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Largest Street Gang in America - Everyone should watch this! Protect Yourself!


Active Member
The Largest Street Gang in America - Everyone should watch this and be aware of what to expect when dealing with Law Enforcement.

Warning: May be very disturbing to some people.


This is absolutely sickening, and happens all over the country on a regular basis. We seriously need law enforcement reform, now.

Please share this video with everyone you know.

Please bump my post to help inform others of this growing problem!

From the author:

[Direct Link]

! Update !
A Cop Responds to This Blog

This was sent to me by way of a message. It was written by an ex-cop shortly after he saw my blog. What follows is a very honest, insightful and terrifying message as he touches on the police perspective and the militarization of the police (which was largely excused as necessary by the ‘War on Drugs’).


"When I was a "police officer" back in the early '70s the transformation was just starting to take place from a mentality of a public servant working for the citizens to "law enforcement". The first I noticed of it was when the police departments started preferential hiring of ex-military people returning from Viet Nam. They started introducing military tactics into the department, including the first S.W.A.T. team. They quit referring to people on the street as citizens and started calling them "civilians", or more commonly "assholes".

"They looked for opportunities to use their new toys provided from "federal assistance" monies in the war on drugs. They changed the uniforms from the blue-suited cop with an 8-sided hat with a shield on front to a set of black or navy fatigues and a ball cap. They started shaving their heads and pumping iron. They gave up on the idea that they put themselves in the line of fire to protect and serve the public and took on a combat marine attitude of protect their own above all else. I've known them to murder cop-killers in the street, but have a could-care-less attitude when a civilian is killed."

"I was lied to, lied about and set up when I tried to expose some crooked cops. Things since 1975 have not gotten better. The thugs in uniform now consider themselves to be government agents of a totalitarian regime with limitless authority to enforce the will of the government on all civilian assholes. There are obviously exceptions to that rule, but those would never try to stand in the way of the thugs."

"Sorry, but talk show hosts I have heard that say we don't have to worry about tyranny in this "nation" because our troops would never turn their guns on "Americans". They are wrong. They have never read history. They don't realize the training and brainwashing that takes place in the military now and in the para-military police forces - especially the federales. Just wait until big-O gets his Civilian National Security Force in place and all the local wanna-be LEOs join in with them."

"Buy ammo and remember to aim for the head or neck."


Just A Few Remarks From Me About the Video

This is the longest video I’ve ever uploaded; hopefully it will be the largest for a while. The content necessitated a slightly longer presentation than normal, since one of my reasons for making it was to see just how much a person could watch before the light comes on and they realize there is a serious problem. The way this kind of stuff is usually seen is as individual clips, independent of similar clips, and with no context or explanation. That makes it too easy for people to dismiss it as an isolated event. As I mention in the video I cut back as much as I could. It could have been twice as long and still not have put a dent in the content available to me. Hopefully it wasn’t too long for internet viewers or too short to make an impact.

This video is a broad stroke. As with every snapshot of a group, it should be understood that it is not an attack on each individual within that group (except of course for those barbarians that were in the video). Rather it focuses on the organization as a whole. And the truth is that this organization is producing an increasingly destructive force in our communities. To see them operate reminds me of a street gang more than anything else.

When a cop is more concerned with extracting fear or respect from citizens then with upholding the law, the line between cop and mobster begins to blur. They demand that everyone simply roll over and do as they say. If that compliance isn’t gained immediately, honor is replaced with ego and the abuse ensues.

I admit that I know some police myself and have met the occasional respectful, honorable and well meaning officer (though in all honesty I can count them on a single hand). In my own life’s experience and the experiences of everyone I have spoken with about this though, it appears that the honorable cop is in the minority.

Regardless of the percentage though, the ‘few bad apples’ argument isn’t valid. Even if it were true that only a few police were bad (i.e. breaking the law and abusing Americans) It still would remain a pressing issue, because when a cop is ‘bad’ it results in things like torture, kidnapping and murder. For this to happen even once is unacceptable. We know however, that it’s all too common.

The question though, is “Why?” I think the culprit here is two-fold; human nature and the system that produces and regulates the police. Within that system there are several elements that go into creating a thug out of an average Joe.

One of course is accountability, or the lack there of. When a person is placed in a situation where there is no accountability; its human nature to exploit that situation.

Another major problem is more abstract. It’s the propaganda that feeds the myth that police are somehow more than human or that everyone else is less.

This propaganda has created a class of citizens that are regarded as superior to all others. Both citizens and police are manipulated by this mindset. The mentality of the modern cop is captured here in this video where one cop hands another an item taken from a citizen. When presenting it, he says it was “picked up from the streets of Miami, from one of the scurrying cockroaches”

What frustrates me the most are the people that feed into this propaganda; cheering on abusive police and mocking their victims. How can anyone see this video of the woman being shot and still believe that they only target thugs or people that break the law? That woman looks like a participant in a bake sale or someone you would meet at her kid’s soccer game. Honestly, what makes you think that a cop sees you any differently? Because you’re white? Rich? A Vietnam Veteran? If you aren’t a cop - you aren’t immune and deep down everybody knows this. After all, who among us actually feels good when they see a cop in their rearview mirror, regardless of their legal status?

The police that were once part of the community have now become a community unto themselves. They protect their own; regardless of the crimes they may commit and do so usually at the expense of law abiding citizens. The blue wall of silence needs to be torn down.

The police have been manipulated and believe what they are doing is acceptable, just as much as the civilians they herd like wild animals believe it is lawful. We as a nation have asked for more police with heavier weapons and stricter laws, while simultaneously giving up our rights and ability to protect ourselves. We, together with the police, whether by action or inaction have created this situation and so are all responsible for it.

I wonder sometimes if any cops actually realize that every time one of them takes it upon himself to malign, degrade or abuse an American citizen, he is doing his part to push us ever closer to a totalitarian state and the destruction of a free America.

All police, like all individuals in the military and members of congress each need to make a conscious decision “Am I an agent of the State or of the People?” “Do I defend the life and liberty of my fellow American or the expansion of authoritarianism?” You can’t have it both ways. I hope for the day when riot cops again encircle us and at least a single officer breaks ranks to join his fellow Americans in the exercise of freedom. An unlikely scenario, I know, but perhaps some of them will realize that a paycheck is a lot easier to replace than honor.

In the end, no one is evil simply by wearing a badge just as no one is honorable for doing the same. The truth is that every individual is responsible for their own actions. And those actions (not an outfit or career) can make men heroes or beasts.

If you want respect; earn it.

As for my fellow citizens that didn't get a job on the Force, you need to take immediate action to turn the tide. If you don't, it will be your children that suffer under an even more oppressive and untouchable force. Soon we may find ourselves in a position where turning the tide is no longer a possibility. What then will you tell your children, when they ask you what you did with your remaining freedoms before turning them over to the whims of the Police State?

I’d just like to add that if there are any officers reading this and are infuriated that I would distribute a video like this, you should be more concerned with the fact that footage like this is so plentiful (and increasing in number every day). It’s not like I made any of this up. If you don’t want to see more videos like this, then consider actually getting your house in order.

I can’t point out wrong doing if there's nothing wrong being done.

If you still think I am being too harsh by calling police a street gang, then maybe you should see what they're selling at this police supply store.

Can you be arrested for “Failure to Identify”?

For your own benefit you should not take anything I say as legal advice, since I am not a lawyer or offering direct legal advice. I just wanted to mention this one legal issue, since it came up so much in my video.

Throughout the video cops can be seen lying about law, essentially making it up as they go along. The law cited the most in chapter 2 of the video pertains to the legal authority a police officer has to demand that the victim identify themselves. The claim is that if a cop asks for your license and you do not produce it, you can go to jail for “Failure to Identify”. In the majority of these cases this was a lie.

The law in question is referred to as “Stop and Identify”. Different states have different laws when it comes to this matter. Most states DO NOT require a citizen to turn over their driver’s license unless they are being detained (unless it’s a traffic stop). It’s important that you familiarize yourself with the law in your area. Keep in mind that while the law does not require you to identify yourself in some cases, different judges have decided for some reason that if you exercise that right, then arresting you is within the officer’s power. (I know it doesn’t make sense, so don’t bother pointing that out)

This overview should help to get you started: Stop and Identify Statutes

What to do About Frankenstein’s Monster

If we honestly think we need police to operate in the capacity that they do today, then here are a few common sense suggestions to make their existence more bearable:

1. A truly independent citizen review board that handles complaints should be established for each district. Members should be cycled out annually by vote. The board should be headed up by an individual well versed in the law.

2. A zero tolerance policy. Any action that would result in firing at any other job should result in the same for police.

3. Any arrest that does not result in conviction or isn’t immediately validated by an applicable law should be treated as a kidnapping. If the applicable law is not the law cited at the time of arrest, that officer should undergo an extensive class on state laws and principals of the Constitution. If after taking the class, the same officer repeats the offense, further disciplinary action should be pursued.

4. Start a CopWatch Chapter in your area. Be sure to inform the local police of what you intend to do beforehand. Don't be intimidated. This is as much a benefit to them as it is to the citizens in the area you intend to patrol.

5. Utilize the RateMyCop database. Send a list of abusive cops in your area to the local newspaper once a month. (safety and security issues should be handled carefully) Also send a list of cops deserving praise; consider a 'Citizen's Award' to be voted on and provided to the officer that deserves it once a month. (perhaps a cash donation to their family, rather then a useless plaque)

6. Ban the use of all “Non-Lethal” weapons. Police have been told to use these in any situation to “gain compliance” – that is far too broad and police have been shown incapable of handling the responsibility.

7. The method by which police are paid needs to be remodeled. They should be paid fairly and not have overtime restricted or provided in such a way that it entices them to issue tickets for financial gain, etc.

8.Realize that you have rights and use them. Many encounters with police can be ended by the individual simply leaving. Police ask questions in hopes of gaining a response or access to your personal information and property that without your consent (or probable cause) they cannot acquire.

9. When an individual chooses to exercise his or her rights, that should never be an acceptable cause for arrest, whether it be the 1st, 4th, etc. If the exercising of rights is now a criminal offense... wow.

Start Small. If you see a cop speeding: tell him to slow down, get his info and file a complaint. You'll know what to do when the time comes.

Jimmy Justice

Source Material

This isn’t everything, but it should be enough for now. As always, I’m happy to address any specific questions.

- Chapter 1 -

Tasered 19 times
Video and Article

Filming in backyard

Article and Video


Video and Article

Drive Thru

Strip Search
Video 1
Video 2

Subway Shooting
Video 1
Video 2

Killed after Car wreck
From the documentary, "28 seconds : The Killing of Fouad Kaady"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

- Chapter 2 -

Many of the undercover videos can be found here:

- Chapter 3 -

Rave raid
Article and Video
Video interview with the security guards

Mass arrest in St. Paul
Article and Video
Blog and Video

- Final Chapter -

Police Aren't Responsible for Your Safety
Lew Rockwell:
New York Times:
Police Chief Magazine:
End Times Report:
One Example: How long did police wait before entering the school at Columbine? Firefighters don’t wait for the building to burn down. Police generally have another approach.

'Pain Beam' (portable ADS)

'Sonic lasers' (MRAD)

“You disrespected me, this badge and my department!”

"...get smart mouthed with a cop again. I show you what a cop does"
Video, Article and Full Transcript of Encounter


Recommended Links:

Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1
Don't Talk to Cops, Part 2




Copwatch Database
Copwatch Video 1
Copwatch Video 2

Submit More Clips and Info

Feel free to post any additional information on these clips or add other clips you think should be shared here.


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch the video yet, but from just reading the excerpt I want to go pick up a gun and start fighting.


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch the video yet, but from just reading the excerpt I want to go pick up a gun and start fighting.
for sure . . . I've had a bad feeling about the military turning on it's own citizens for quite some time now.

and I fear the people in charge of the soldiers, as the soldiers are pawns for their wishes.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Fuck the rest of this thread, I clicked on Copwatch and spent an hour and a half reading. Copwatch is definitely for the greater good more than a documentary. I have already contacted Copwatch, to see whether I can be accepted to start a chapter in my area.


Can i get a witnesss?????? Fuck the police!!!!!!
I could only watch a small portion of that video. I feel ill to my stomach right now.

Where are we going as a people? What is to come in the next 50 years?

I'm Canadian and have never owned a gun other then my .22 hunting rifle I use for moose hunting every september but thinking about it now, who knows if I'll need a little more in the new few decades?


I could only watch a small portion of that video. I feel ill to my stomach right now.

Where are we going as a people? What is to come in the next 50 years?

I'm Canadian and have never owned a gun other then my .22 hunting rifle I use for moose hunting every september but thinking about it now, who knows if I'll need a little more in the new few decades?

lol your bringing down extra big ass canadian moose with a .22??? damn you must be hitting them in the eye or something!!!! nice shot


Active Member
just finished watching it and normally i usually don't like violence but this really fucking pissed me off. The video at the end with the rave and the concert was fucked. Reminded me of the g20 summit when the military police were messing around with that university. I have a feeling its gonna get a lot worse


Well-Known Member
Any worse theyll have to get b-pro0f helmets bcauze people arent gona keep putin up with stiffed neck'd pole-ice


Well-Known Member
lol your bringing down extra big ass canadian moose with a .22??? damn you must be hitting them in the eye or something!!!! nice shot
HAHAHA I was thinking that same shit,But I just watched the vid when the cop just singled that guy out and pushed him off the bike that shit had me dying lmfao!


Active Member
HAHAHA I was thinking that same shit,But I just watched the vid when the cop just singled that guy out and pushed him off the bike that shit had me dying lmfao!
One of the reasons that Police continue their violence is due to dumb asses like yourself that find amusement in an armed thug tackling a random, innocent, and defenseless person into the concrete face first.

There have been many cases of onlookers heckling victims that are being attacked by roided out cops, and because of the heckling of the victim the cops feel like what they are doing is right and just, and continue their attacks.


Well-Known Member
i had to stop watchin after the part with the lady getting her clothes forcibly removed for being attacked and calling them for help. that makes me sick