The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
Sorry to bring it up again but I can't locate a wiring diagram or instructions anywhere online for the primair fan controller I have and will be setting up my MH soon so if anyone can offer any advice I would appreciate it.

Is this it? If it is I'm assuming pop off the front cover and take the plugs off your fans. Then run the wires from the fans through the grommets to their terminals. Did it come with a temp. gauge of some sort to be wired to the temp. setting.

From the pic I'm thinking main power supply is from the side.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I should have re-posted the pic as well.
I assume extractor fan cable goes into the terminal opposite extractor setting etc,On the side it has a temp probe so I've no idea where to wire it for power.



Active Member
If the temp. probe is out the side it's probably conected to the temp. dial. If this is the case and the first two grommet's have to be for intake and exhaust fans the grommet on the right is probably main supply. Have a look around it as well to make sure there's no other connection points.


Well-Known Member
There's only the 3 connection points at the front.
So the points at left and middle are for the corresponding fans and the point on the right is for the power lead.
One last question do I need a lead with a green earth wire or will one with brown and blue do?


Well-Known Member
Fom what I can tell I have to push the wires in through those terminals at the front,the top cover doesn't fully come off and what's inside where the wires should go is best described as a metal plate,no connectors etc inside.
I bought it second hand hence no instructions.


Well-Known Member
The port to the far left is power in, the other 2 are for the fans. Do you only have an extraction fan? It seems a waste to wire it with no intake. Whats the question again :bigjoint:


New Member

  • hi im new here and new to growing, its my first grow, im pairing up with a friend who has 3 sucsesful grows already behind him, im "veging" 7 chemdogs at the minute heading into there third week today, and my friend is going to flower them, he doesnt live exactly next door infact not even the next town so hes only up once a week maybe once a fortnight, so im turning to you guys to help me out inn my hours of need!!!!!!! 5 plants are growing well and are ready to be transfared to pots tuesday! 2 however are really really slow and one has yellow on the end of its leaf, im growing under a 90w blue ufo LED and on top of a heat mat, i didnt put up any dollar for the seeds so i dont wana waste them on me friend, i am however going to get a plant or 2 each harvest so itl be worth my while too! does that make sense????? stoned typing! oh yeah i do vigorously ph the water and even make sure its at room temp, more pics to follow if requested my cameras acting up
    , if im butting in on someone elsesconversation im sorry as i havent a clue how to use this site lol :P



Well-Known Member
They look ok from what I can tell.
The one at the back seems to be stretching a bit.
Have you fed them anything?


Active Member
Any chance we could get a pic without the cover. It should come off. Might be these funny little plugs that you have to turn one way to release the cover and then turn them the other way to take it completely off.


Well-Known Member
Iamaaror posted a link with it open and wired.
I did get it open after,I was being too gentle before.
There's no way I would have figured it out unless I asked or seen a picture.


New Member
They look ok from what I can tell.
The one at the back seems to be stretching a bit.
Have you fed them anything?
no havent fed them anything just water and light! im not familiar with any of this and google isnt helpful and neithers me friend never gets straight to the point and then we end up on a totaly different topic lol as ya do!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
evening all, just settleing down for the evening here, got to have a quick look at the girls before lights out and there all flying now, stretch has all but stopped on the biggest of them and shes pushing out flowers now at a great rate...

thank god...

and the other two are all but catching up, the stunted bubba is finally flowering and is going at full strenght, has gone a week in just a few days, same with the power plant...

there comeing off the big bud soon, and to be honest i`ve not seen any reason to buy it again, well unless these break branch`s from the weight that is...


Well-Known Member
no havent fed them anything just water and light! im not familiar with any of this and google isnt helpful and neithers me friend never gets straight to the point and then we end up on a totaly different topic lol as ya do!
It's hard to tell from the pics but just remember not to over water,that is important and watch your ph.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no havent fed them anything just water and light! im not familiar with any of this and google isnt helpful and neithers me friend never gets straight to the point and then we end up on a totaly different topic lol as ya do!

they look about two or so weeks old, they need to be put into small pots and buried up to the leaves at the bottom, and a small feed would help, anything will do it don`t have to be specific foods, i recommend baby bio its available in most places cost only a few euro and works a treat...