The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
Dont get headaches at all. The usual aches and`pains alright but nothin too bad yet thank christ...
Just realised new american chopper out...time to skin up again I'd say:-?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
maybe you were better off, was a sad one..

one of the soilders was funny tho, like he had torretts or something, was saying fuck every three words..


Hi 86, well checked everywhere and i see no nanners, no male flowers and no more seeds, i went through them with a fine tooth comb, only joking used a mag glass,lol.
I found out why that one hermied on me, i had it in a small pot and potted up to 10lt when in flowering, i think that might have shocked her.
Just keeping a close eye on my girls and i will tell you what 86, if my girls taste the way they smell il b over the moon bro.
I want this grow to go well, so i can say i breed my own 2 strains, celtic mist, DC11.
I might have a third but some of the seeds got mixed up and i do not think that i germed any off her.
What u think of the names of the strains and any idea for the name of my third, prize for the best name, 3 fem seeds to the winner, hows that guys for marketing,lol


Well-Known Member
Hi 86, well checked everywhere and i see no nanners, no male flowers and no more seeds, i went through them with a fine tooth comb, only joking used a mag glass,lol.
I found out why that one hermied on me, i had it in a small pot and potted up to 10lt when in flowering, i think that might have shocked her.
Just keeping a close eye on my girls and i will tell you what 86, if my girls taste the way they smell il b over the moon bro.
I want this grow to go well, so i can say i breed my own 2 strains, celtic mist, DC11.
I might have a third but some of the seeds got mixed up and i do not think that i germed any off her.
What u think of the names of the strains and any idea for the name of my third, prize for the best name, 3 fem seeds to the winner, hows that guys for marketing,lol
Check for light leaks, it takes alot more stress than up-canning to cause a plant to Hermie.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Hi 86, well checked everywhere and i see no nanners, no male flowers and no more seeds, i went through them with a fine tooth comb, only joking used a mag glass,lol.
I found out why that one hermied on me, i had it in a small pot and potted up to 10lt when in flowering, i think that might have shocked her.
Just keeping a close eye on my girls and i will tell you what 86, if my girls taste the way they smell il b over the moon bro.
I want this grow to go well, so i can say i breed my own 2 strains, celtic mist, DC11.
I might have a third but some of the seeds got mixed up and i do not think that i germed any off her.
What u think of the names of the strains and any idea for the name of my third, prize for the best name, 3 fem seeds to the winner, hows that guys for marketing,lol

celtic mist sounds good,2nd why name it dc11? and the third should name it for the country like eire something???? need someone with better irish (dave)....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Check for light leaks, it takes alot more stress than up-canning to cause a plant to Hermie.

har, do you think it could be as the two strains crossed were hermi?? i can`t see how they would be fem, like the traits (genes) you know Tt in the male would make it tall,
tT in the fem would make it bushy etc....

how would they be fem seeds?? wouldn`t they or large percentage be hermi???

like if you breed a reg male with a reg fem then you get reg seeds... or is there something i`m missing or not understanding about the breeding aspect of it???

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so i stuck mine out the bottom of the garden, leave them there for the day, as the sun is spliting the trees here today...

half tempted to leave them down there for the duration, cold at night is the only thing i`m afraid of, few bugs aswell...... anyone have an outside grow thats going well this year? hardly the weather for it...

seedlings should be re-potted tonight just have to do a run for some soil, bloody slow this seed malarke, adding weeks to the growing...

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Five posts in a row 86, is that a record:D:D:D. by the way, if i have the best irish of anyone on this thread thats a very sad state of affairs!!.