The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol thats a man hand thank you! shave nothing!!

They have a good bit to go yet, but you wouldnt be far off with the 10 day guess :).

As for the dam, when are you planning on going? Been waiting to get over for a while now!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah man, i`d go now if i had the cash......... but mainly cause i`ve no weed hahahahaha.....

ah sold the car and paid off all the bills and bought the new kitchen and stuff so i have 300 notes left.. and the chances are if i can find an oz somewhere i`ll buy that and smoke myself silly for as long as it lasts hahahaha......

the dam will be in sept for sure, off peak, not so touristy...


Well-Known Member
lol i know that feeling, i have enough there until the end of the weekend then i just have to wait for the harvest :(, sucks balls!

September is a deadly time to head over, keep me posted, im going one way or the other!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i`ve waited so long and have had chances to go before but something always came up with work and kids and stuff so this time i have promised myself that were going, (have to bring the wife), not intrested in the hookers side of it just plan on getting high and haveing a look at the buildings and stuff, possibly buying a bag and travelling around a little aswell, if i can afford it i`ll hire a car and drive down to the ampitheatre in rome...


Well-Known Member
burn.JPGburn (2).JPGburn (3).JPGburn (4).JPGburn (5).JPG hi guys i post my pics on monday or tuesday and they even bigger now they a growing really fast but look at 1st pic 1 looks like some burn on it leaves how can i sort it and what would cause it tys

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i`ve seen some leaves burn like that on plants nearly always on the biggest leaves or ones closest to the light, so at a guess darren i`d say light burn of some degree, wouldn`t worry about it, there looking healty and happy otherwise, are you feeding them yet? just they look a little pale but that could be strain? when they start getting the nitrogen they`ll go a lovely green hahahaha.......


Well-Known Member
give them 1st feed other day they are really growing can see diffece every few days they are autos bubble gum

last year i planted about this time i got 3 ak autos to go in green house soon just popped them yeterday


Well-Known Member
i`ve waited so long and have had chances to go before but something always came up with work and kids and stuff so this time i have promised myself that were going, (have to bring the wife), not intrested in the hookers side of it just plan on getting high and haveing a look at the buildings and stuff, possibly buying a bag and travelling around a little aswell, if i can afford it i`ll hire a car and drive down to the ampitheatre in rome...
You only do that shit when ur single, if i had a gf i would have no interest in the red lights, the coffee shops are the main and really only reason i would go back, theres nothing more liberating than sitting down outside with people walking by and smoking a joint without people thinking you are the devil. theres nothing like that sense of freedom and i have never really felt free like that since, great quality weed and so friendly people

Oh and who watching strikeforce tonight? boxing on at 9pm too i believe, sexton vs price
How's it goin mucker? I'm an irish grower well not at the min av bin raided twice fs, but I'd lyk to ask ya a Q see if I was to put a load of 60w's at 700 lums each to add up to 400w do ya hink tht wud wrk for a grow?? The reason am askn is bcus I'm skint bcus of al the gear the cops tuk of ma nd am just tryn to make sum money up to but new stuf, even hand me dwns wud help if a was able to get em but as ya no ya jus can't ask ant1 1 lol. Al be waitn on ur answr if ya can my friend! Thank!


Well-Known Member
How's it goin mucker? I'm an irish grower well not at the min av bin raided twice fs, but I'd lyk to ask ya a Q see if I was to put a load of 60w's at 700 lums each to add up to 400w do ya hink tht wud wrk for a grow?? The reason am askn is bcus I'm skint bcus of al the gear the cops tuk of ma nd am just tryn to make sum money up to but new stuf, even hand me dwns wud help if a was able to get em but as ya no ya jus can't ask ant1 1 lol. Al be waitn on ur answr if ya can my friend! Thank!
Lol your doing well to still be alive mucker! i am shocked the raad has not shot or killed you like most others around derry, and its for that reason i will not be meeting or giving any hand me downs, nothing personal.
you are better to get a cheap hps kit, but i would lay low for abit by the sounds of your story, how many plants were you caught with each time?
How's it goin mucker? I'm an irish grower well not at the min av bin raided twice fs, but I'd lyk to ask ya a Q see if I was to put a load of 60w's at 700 lums each to add up to 400w do ya hink tht wud wrk for a grow?? The reason am askn is bcus I'm skint bcus of al the gear the cops tuk of ma nd am just tryn to make sum money up to but new stuf, even hand me dwns wud help if a was able to get em but as ya no ya jus can't ask ant1 1 lol. Al be waitn on ur answr if ya can my friend! Thank!
Lol, what kinda of sactions did you pay ha


Well-Known Member
Hi, Why so many plants man, 1 would be enough and would probably yeild more than 9....

....could be going for sog/scrog, individuals choice on that in my opinion, none of my buisness.

Any ballast is a great ballast if digital, not sure why anyone would want an adjustable ballast for..?? they just seam to cost more money for less lumens..

Thats absolutely not true mate, there is a VAST difference in quality out there, particularly in electronic ballasts, plenty of people have had a nightmare with certain brands/ non brands of e-ballasts.
Being able to Switch between 250 400 and 600 watt, is a really use-full option, imo I'm sure most people can think of a use for that. Plus having a 3 year warranty is certainly great.
You could keep everything at 600, but the electrical cost running at a higher output then needed costs significantly more money.
for someone starting out having those options is great, you can start small and have room and options to expand, or simply starting when your in early veg with a few plants won't need as much as needed later on when bigger or in flower etc. having the options and the electrical saving alone make it a great idea to go with in my opinion, but what ever works for ya.

Lazer cards will soon be visa debit cards, so long as you have a current account with a bank you'll be sorted..

Not all online retailers take Debit cards, even if you have a Laser card that is also a Maestro Card that will not automatically work on sites that say they take debit cards.
Some of them will only take English Maestro cards for example.
We found this out as when we were setting up a business, online retail in the UK but based in Ireland,
Theres actual more to it then you think initially, as we found out ourselves.
Credit Cards on the other hand always work with the Vast amount of retailers. Plus there are other advantages in using a credit card,
For example using my Neteller card with Ryan Air i avoid the card charges. some time you will not have to pay additional insurance if your booking with a CC, etc.
As long as you choose the right prepared card its defiantly a better option Moneybookers and Netteler would be my recommendations.
I think he did say scrog, thats why i mentioned about 1 plant..?

I assumed good quality ballast were used (lumentek etc) instead of Chinese crap that your referring too and why would you want to lower the brightness on your bulb, your trying replicate the sun no...?
Also I understand that some retailers wont accept some cards, but as i mentioned current cards will be issued with "visa" making them acceptable in many more places than they are now....certainty over the internet.. :-)

Jog on

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
welcome strandman, good to have you along....... also the txt typeing is hard to read, please spare my old man head from haveing to read a post 5 times to get it, thanks dude;)

i am selling my cfl homemade hood with little over 500 true watts of light, and same lumens as a 400w hps, but your the other end of the country, what you`d save you`d spend again in fuel comeing to collect it...hahahaha....

so now that the bills are looked after i have had a few hours to get my mind together as its been fairly spread about with everything, i`ve decided to really pull out the stops and get back in the game, soon enough i will be self employed again...

i know it means back to the hard work and starting from the ground up but i`ve built two business`s before i know i have it in me....
@ae86 heya man, has there been any thread on people been raided in ireland ? What would u say you'd get(one previous,breach of pece) for a small grow 3-4 plants. I know your not Mr Justice. But in your opinion.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well i know two storie on this from guys local that were caught, one had a major operation( made the news) but both co-operated with the cops and gave up his partners, the other had 5 plants 3 flowering 2 in veg, seedlings really .. big guy is walking around was bailed after a day, the other guy who`d be known for a bit of white was sent down for 8 months...

makes no sence, the legal system in ireland, but if your known of disliked by a copper you better belive they`ll screw you in the end, i know myself have no record, no points, no nothing (slippery fuck me ;) ) but because i come from the family i do, if i was raided i get the max they`d be able to hand down....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
don`t be so paranoid hahahahaha.....

ah no, i use the regular browser, explorer8 or 9 i forget, and am a little stoned right now..;)


Active Member
its supposed to be hard enough to track your ip, even if they did it would be down to a certain area. as long as you dont give your address, phone number (to anyone) or mention something that is specific to you then you should be ok. also before you post any pics make sure there is nothing to identify you in the picture eg. your missus!

hows it going 86, just poppin on for five before bed, the ghs ams i did was very unimpressive yield wise but the bugs are very sticky, look like toffee apple buds!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
same here lu, shes been on fuck buddy all night, i swear i miss the whole thing with that site, it bores me...fucking game requests do my head in...

i`ve the same yeild wise, not near what i need to keep the supply for her and me so upping the wattage.. by the sounds of them there potent not plenty...

i`ll take that trade off anyday...;) (you lucky cunt)...
Haha, I was hoping you would call me paranoid opposed to tellling me to get straight onto tor haha. . . Google chrome for me. Unlike you i'm on that horrible stuff called alchohol. Unfortunate :(. . . My younger sibling is well known with the Siochana. Was raided twice about two years ago in the space of a month. There is my only source of paranoia. Me, nothing other than getting caught with soap when I was sixteen and few court apperances for public disorder One resulting in a conviction, with a fat 500 euro donation to aware ha. anyways havent been raided since then. So i'm deff going to give growing a go. soleley for myself and my bro to keep him out of trouble with debt.(what a nice brother ha) ...

I think its all down to the judge. He may like you and give you a fine He might not and give you some custodial. Would you agree ?