The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah i am struggleing to see it myself, anyone on here done this type of grow before? what is the benifit to a vert screen?


Well-Known Member
look at it this way

horizontal= 180 goes in to the reflector
vertical =360 light + less equipment

screen= train plants and hold up your massive buds/ but screen isnt necessary

vertical grow= massive yields

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just been reading through the vert section(didn`t know till now we had one) and yeah your bang on tonto, but it seems to be something that you need height for, have come across a small one yet (but i`m still going through the forum):)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
had a great day, spending time with the kids, have the dinner on and the merrangies will be out of the oven in a bit...

and Top Gear is on later, .....fuckin love sundays..;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
seen knuckle last week on dvd, great film, that fella is as hard as a coffin nail, have some full fights here on dvd from years ago mc donagh`s and joyces, mental cases.....

if any of you havent seen it you should try see it, they have a channel on youtube, should sign up to it lads, they post the threat vids and invites to fight on there, well worth a look.....

"you not worth a shit in a bucket".......hahahaha lots more gems such as this......


bit off advice pls!!!!

have 3 lemon amnesia plants vegging for the last two weeks going to leave them in for another 3 weeks then throw them outside in a nice little spot i have what do yas think are the chances off them surviving??? hopefully there will be no more frost by then


Hows all Guys/Girls,Anyone got any info on using Canna Terra Soil will be repotting 3 The Church seedlings normally use Bio Bizz which works great but wanna try diff soil this time around. Pic below of what’s on at the mo One Himalayan Gold 5-6 weeks into flower and three the church.



Well-Known Member
bit off advice pls!!!!

have 3 lemon amnesia plants vegging for the last two weeks going to leave them in for another 3 weeks then throw them outside in a nice little spot i have what do yas think are the chances off them surviving??? hopefully there will be no more frost by then
I would leave it closer to april/may to put them outside, you really don't want it to be getting cooler than 10c for any period of time, will stunt the plant to shit.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
lost loads of posts aswell..

so the girls are doing ok, raised the lights last night, so sould strech up a little in next few days,

also anyone ever bought the lights from nirvana in newbridge? are they any good? there haveing a price drop can get 400w kit for 150€


Well-Known Member
no sorry 86. is it the same nirvana from soth annes street in dublin.

i dont know if u sen my other post but i seen ur post the other day that u just put ur girls in 12/12 so i did the same that night so we can do a few.comparrisons

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah same crowd jingle, there three of us at the same stage so you iam and me...

should be intresting to see when harvests are ready and what weight we get...

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Hello all, first time poster. I keep getting the message "plugin system must be enabled". can someone please explain how to fix this. Im still pretty retarded when it comes to computers.