The Irish Growers Thread!

I did some math on it and using the Government statistics (and I think they even underestimate the amount of people who smokes) I worked out itd be worth approximately €1 bill a year to our economy and that's excluding the people who'd visit from abroad. Fora country desperately trying to push tourism, legal weed could make thousands of direct and indirect jobs, it might not be worth alot tax wise (few hundred million a year) but itd get people off welfare, into jobs and spending in the economy again.
I did some math on it and using the Government statistics (and I think they even underestimate the amount of people who smokes) I worked out itd be worth approximately €1 bill a year to our economy and that's excluding the people who'd visit from abroad. Fora country desperately trying to push tourism, legal weed could make thousands of direct and indirect jobs, it might not be worth alot tax wise (few hundred million a year) but itd get people off welfare, into jobs and spending in the economy again.

It makes such sense but unfortunately I don't see it happening for quiet some time. I believe down in a hospital in Cork and Waterford there doing research on the use of medical cannabis. What that exactly means I am not sure, bit as far as I know they are growing a few plants and they are being tested on some patients. Its a start at least. I think we really have to wait till the next generation get into power before some laws are changed, but the problem is the country needs it now. Can you imagine if we had a similar setup to Holland? So many positive effects on the country!!
Its funny too cos Holland and Portugal (where weed is decriminalised) have some of the lowest cannabis consumption rates in Europe.
That's it. Alot of people are drawn to it because it's illegal and it's the 'cool thing' to do!! Granted that's generally the younger crowd that have that mentality!
I did some math on it and using the Government statistics (and I think they even underestimate the amount of people who smokes) I worked out itd be worth approximately €1 bill a year to our economy and that's excluding the people who'd visit from abroad. Fora country desperately trying to push tourism, legal weed could make thousands of direct and indirect jobs, it might not be worth alot tax wise (few hundred million a year) but itd get people off welfare, into jobs and spending in the economy again.

Fancy running the country....?
Eh up :weed: thought I would share some veg porn... critical mass 3 weeks old (have 5 on da go and 3 dinafem Powerkush who only popped up a week or so ago..)... one in da pic is 5" tall and 9" leaft span.. cant remember now when I potted em on but will find out when I upload... soil is the BAC lava soil... pot 3.5L and the stuff in da pot is VAM fungi both types woot woot! happy as larry with this strain.. pics were taken on da 10th so thats 5 days ago so almost a week since I seen em.. :sad:.. but me mucker sez they is fine and giving it out some.. so no worried.. was a time when I used to stare the feck out of em at every opportunity LMAO... bongsmilie


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eh up Jay... am on the west coast.. right by the best sea in da world innit sure bits of me polycarbonate greeny have flown across the sea when we had the gales here, which is every other day LMAO.. and not welsh meself am Irish raised in devon and living in Wales... so to answer your question... no I dont shag sheep ROFLMAO and so messing if any welshies are reading this... love the welsh, ace craic so they are.

soz bulb is a 250w MH.. flowering will be dont with 2 400w as was given a 400w ballast for free, new grow space at a muckers pad and no probs with running both lamps.. may have to get a bigger fan though and convince him that its no illegal to have a hole in ones ceiling leading up to da loft..LMAO.
Fancy running the country....?
Lol, I have a draft piece of legislation to enable it to happen too, took me forever to type, but it would basically make a Coffeeshop system for here, sadly it'll probably never even be read by the "power that be".

I even put a new 30% level of VAT on it to convince the hardcore anti-pot crowd.
im buying ounces off a mate who buys it in kg's, thats all i know about it, but i recon its homegrown/commercial as the last time i got it; it was still kinda damp. Only buy that when ive none of my own. Im used to the "high-grade" as the only other smoking ive done was in amsterdam or my own grow. No idea what the oz's are, but my own last batch was Paki Ryder which i would recommend, its a very nice smoke!
Eh up :weed: thought I would share some veg porn... critical mass 3 weeks old (have 5 on da go and 3 dinafem Powerkush who only popped up a week or so ago..)... one in da pic is 5" tall and 9" leaft span.. cant remember now when I potted em on but will find out when I upload... soil is the BAC lava soil... pot 3.5L and the stuff in da pot is VAM fungi both types woot woot! happy as larry with this strain.. pics were taken on da 10th so thats 5 days ago so almost a week since I seen em.. :sad:.. but me mucker sez they is fine and giving it out some.. so no worried.. was a time when I used to stare the feck out of em at every opportunity LMAO... bongsmilie

mmm root grow :clap:

what is BAC and VAM though?
eh up tonto... VAM is friendly fungi, the rootgrow contains both types of VAM endo and ecto... am only just wrapping me head around it meself... its like an extension of the root system where they both co-exist to each ones benefit... I start off with bottled spring water to get the rootgrow established as the shite in our water can kill it before it can establish itself after about week 5 I can use tap water as the soil will neutralise the chloramine we have in our tap water here... only the first inch or sow of the soil will probbo result in the death of some of the friendlies... below that they is good to go..

the BAC is me soil.. tis organic nice and spongy, hold water well.. plants love it.. tis reusable... is also treated with somat called the final solution which will sort out all the decaying matter etc so no need for cannazyme... costs about 12 quid a bag (am in wales) I done the compost from B&Q gig.. and doesnt hold a candle to this stuff... needs feeding from the off though as their is little or no nutrient value in the compost..


first ones a bit of a head spinner, least for me anyways :-P but the vam gig exists in nature itself... you got rootgrow there?
^^ cheap stuff is cheap for a reason bro. Spend the extra few quid and get something that will last.
I'm guessing this is for some small stealth grow? what you growing in there?
if you can get to Tallaght theres a shop DIG,, their site isnt set up but the contact details are there. Can anyone answer me a quick question? Whats the closest i can safely keep a 250w hps from the tip of the plant? Its only a day old and its a new setup so im not sure... im coming from a 250 CFL setup!
250w 6-8 inches madra, they dont give off that much heat, depending on your set up(fans/exhaust etc). dig site is up and running but the 150w isnt on there, i know they have one though cos i seen it. not sure on price.
harrekin/jay im gonna put some pics up later of a plant im doing, it seems as if it has unopened preflowers which now have leaves growing from them. ill put the pics up later. cheers
cool man, thanks! Its an attic grow, need to build a proper box tomorrow so will have the airflow sorted then too and hopefully keep the temps up. Thats the only reason i switched to HPS, that and ive heard the hps simply is a better choice/more yield etc.
madra just make sure it isnt getting too cold on a night in the attic. if its a seedling then maye 10 inches to a foot, you dont want to bake it. a lot of guys are using hps straight through and they having good results. good luck with it. are you gonna use the cfl aswell as the hps. you may aswell. how many plants you doing and what strain.
went up and took pics tinight of the passion#1, not sure if its herm or not so ill put pics up tomorrow and lets see what you guys think!
^^ cheap stuff is cheap for a reason bro. Spend the extra few quid and get something that will last.
I'm guessing this is for some small stealth grow? what you growing in there?

its not really a stealth grow but the only place the missis will let me grow for now is in a 54x44x160cm press, iv done 2grows in there with 110-160w cfls nirvanas short riders, 1st grow (1 plant) i got 1 ounce 2nd grow(2 plants 1 hermd) just harvest only got 15 grams but i didnt really look after that plant just let it grow if ya get me. so how much would you say to spend on a decent kit.?