How much does the hps run up the leccy bill every two months. Its not my bill so have to be considerate, if it was my bill I wouldnt worry.
Electricity is charged by the Kilowatt/hour - one 'unit' represents 1000W for 1 hour. A 250W HPS will consume approximately one quarter of a unit per hour - one unit every 4 hours. I say approximately as the exact consumption will depend on the efficiency of the ballast.
Running a 250W HPS for 12 hours per day, for 60 days you would consume (250 x 12 x 60 =) 180,000 Watt/hours, or 180 Kilowatt/hours - 180 units. The most expensive charge per unit for electricity in Ireland at the moment is 18.37 cents per unit (ESB standard residential rate). At this rate your 180 units would cost 33.07. You would need to check your own electricity bill to see what you're being charged per unit at the moment, and check that the figure includes VAT. You may for example have a day rate and a night rate with the VAT listed seperately on the bill.
Note that the ESB doesn't necessarily check your meter every 2 months, often they will send you an estimated bill every 2 months but do an actual meter reading every 4th or 6th month. For this reason you may not be charged for the extra consumption immediately and so the bill may appear to jump suddenly at some point in future - i.e. 66 extra payable in 4 months time, followed by 33 extra every 2 months thereafter.
I hope this helps and good luck with the new grow