The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Nah you'd probably only need one,just that tent is quite large for 4's why I don't do hydro,too much space and effort required for little to no gain.


Well-Known Member
It's just with soil mistakes are easier to correct,like one pump not switched on in hydro will kill your plants in hours,one bad feeding will burn your plants to shit...even after a few years now in soil I still have no inclination to change,maybe if I was doing 100+ plants cos it'd be easier than watering manually,by that's the only reason.

Just try soil first,at least you won't have to invest in a "system" aswell.


Active Member
them oxypots are decent i seen a plant grew in one ther other week it was a mates but he only done 1 plant but it was a massive plant and was only 6 weeks flowering.
i reckon 4 of them in a tent you will get 8 to 16 ounces no problem


Well-Known Member
Bet I could grow the same in soil without daily pH,TDS,etc checks and mega effort tho. Small scale hydro is more showing off than anything tbh.


Active Member
ive never done one myself it was a mates grow but i can vouch for the results allbeit only one plant under a 600 light if you went for 4 of them oxys if you dont kill them id say your guareenteed 8 to 16 out of a 1.2 tent which isnt bad for anybody i dont buy weed thank god i actually feel sorry for people who do especially when i see them 25 bags :(

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
this will be my 3rd hydro grow,,ive grown in soil b4 and gotta say man the hydro is better,,,this will be my first Rdwc ,the rest was dwc,,,its like everythig else man,,not hard when you know,,,keep your water temps in order,, easy whit a small chiller,,,,you'll be going in your room every day or 2 anyway so why not ph test,,easy ,,i never feed full anyway coz if you see a problem like mag or cal its prob not enough ,,,many lads told me its better to under feed a lil rather than over,,,giveing it her is easy but trying to take it back HARD,,


Well-Known Member
Anything from 6.2-6.8 is what I'd shoot for...but I don't pH for soil,ever. I just go easy on the nutes,use tapwater and my All-Mix does the rest.


Well-Known Member
Anything from 6.2-6.8 is what I'd shoot for...but I don't pH for soil,ever. I just go easy on the nutes,use tapwater and my All-Mix does the rest.
Have you ever tried the canna terra professional plus stuff...? What do you think of the all-mix? Would it be too hot for seedlings?

I think a premix would be better than compost from the garden centre as it's specially made for the job.. Must beworth the money..


Well-Known Member
I aint tried the Canna stuff purely cos All Mix has been doing the job well for like 2-3 years for me, will probably give it a shot next time tho if my usual shop has it.

I always plant straight seeds straight into 10L Airpots of AllMix and Iv never gotten a its full of micro-nutes too and buffered to 6.5-6.7 I think.
Hey folks,

looking to grow an outdoor plant, i'm guessing it's too late in the year? Isn't it?

I was thinking about lowryder as from what i've read it's small, discrete and low maintenance - suitable for beginners. It will have to be a guerrilla job.

Not too pushed on things like maximum yield, as long i can just grow one semi-successfully and get some smoke off it. Something i've always wanted to do.

I've read over the last 20 or so pages of this thread and most of the info is beyond my comprehension, so i want it as simple as possible.

Any thoughts, tips or suggestions greatly appreciated.
Plant it a compost heap and hope for good weather! Its never too late, till its too late!
Well the kids are back in school so the weather is sure to be better than the last 2 months.

At least, that's always how it went when i was back in school. ;-)

What's the best website for seeds?


Well-Known Member
very late for outdoors,maybe grab a little greenhouse , like the argos ones. Would just get the cheapest auto of sweet seeds on attitude or some lowryders/cross. Goodluck any way

very cool comparison shot Harrekin