The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

started to see some progress, can`t really tell the sex yet i`ll be checking for hairs and balls every day. As this is my first time i`ll post up pics tomorrow when i get a chance.

heres some of two plants i`ve got outside just left to there own devices no minding or nutrients or nowt..

the little one got beat up bad by a hail storm and i taught it was a gonner cause its kind of stayed small since but theres loads of new growth and the top has started comeing on


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

just some pics of whats going on now, i`ll get some better pics when i can my cameras crap, been looking for pistils and balls and don`t know at the min which is which...... i have an idea but would like to know for sure before i ripp them up,

pic one : just under the top are they balls or bud sites? not that i know what a bud site is yet i`m just going on threads i`ve read!!!


Well-Known Member
any luck?

btw who started that plant of really early in the bog?im wondering how its doing
Kinda, planted them and 2 of them started to grow, the other one didnt, my fault though, i was checking the soil for moisture, misjudged where the seed was and cut the head off with my finger! :( Feel like such an idiot but if thats all that happens with my first grow then i suppose its not too bad. Have 2 growing well so hope the extra space in the grow-drobe does them well! Thanks for the interest :)


Well-Known Member

just some pics of whats going on now, i`ll get some better pics when i can my cameras crap, been looking for pistils and balls and don`t know at the min which is which...... i have an idea but would like to know for sure before i ripp them up,

pic one : just under the top are they balls or bud sites? not that i know what a bud site is yet i`m just going on threads i`ve read!!!
Well Laurence,those would seem to be boys sadly.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
out they go so..... any use for them or just bin them? hear you can cook with the males, as in cakes and butter etc!! any truth to it?


Well-Known Member
You could collect some pollen and store it so you can seed up some branches on your next batch of ladies? It looks like a healthy male, so probably good pollen too.


Active Member
i moved house put my diesel ryder in the van gt to the new place and the plant was snapped in half so cut it 3 weeks early

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
can you make hash from males? this begs the question of where would you get bubble bags here?

i`ve seen on youtube the shake and bake method (no nothing to do with ricky bobby) looks fairly simples.....

took down the pic`s as got a pm to tell me my name was comeing up in the link, sorry dudes.

i fear i may have some more males so all in all i`ll be down to roughly 6 girls, what would you reckon even estimated would be the yeild for around 6 decent plants, dryed and cured?


Well-Known Member
Males are worthless IMO, unless it's a strain you've created and want to keep it's pollen.
The hit that'll come off it will only give you a headache...

Depending on strain and size of the plant but most people aim for a ounce per plant, but this can easy increase once you've fine tuned you growing method to suit you and your plants


Well-Known Member
I usually make compost or green firewood out of my males,not into the whole uncontrolled breeding thing myself.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah i think for now that i`ll just kill the males and feed them to the cat ,

so i`ve vegged for 4 weeks, now into week two of flower and i know theres no definate finish time for the plants but when would you guys recomend starting the next batch so that theres not to big a gap between harvests?

and where would you recomend getting seeds, is there anywhere in the south to get my hands on a few?


Well-Known Member
Why not get femenized auto flowering seeds..? That why you can have a perpetual grow and have different strains..
Irishseedbank (no postage charge and can pay by lazer) or pickandmix seeds (do all single seeds and a huge choice)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
after a nice stone but still able to get up and do a bit, not to heavy like.. i`ve read that this is down to flower time and letting the trich`s get half cloudy etc is this true of all plants or some breeds?

theres alot to this growing malarkie!!!!


Well-Known Member
AK48 by Nirvana are on Irishseedbank, I just grew them out, got a shitload...will be growing again next run.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
sound, will give them a go. There just up the road in newbridge so going to pop up tomorrow and get sorted. Thanks for the info dude.