The Irish Growers Thread!

the provincial government sold off a large chunk of our hydro utility. They claimed big future cost savings and then took the check to the bank. Then the rates went through the roof. Now they are talking about putting pay as you go meters which will circumvent the laws. It seems the only thing that will have a chance of stopping it will be the courts and their crooked and useless as fuck.

I think we as people just need to steal power as a unified force. They cant arrest us all.

well if i can`t steal it i`ll certainly put it to good use....;)
and all that and more is going on while the government says we are all wealthy.

yeah so they can invent a new way to fuck us over... like out priceing insurance on older cars so you have to upgrade to a newer one..

cheap tax on new cars.... then upped it, when the cars were bought...
[QUOTE= Vaping temps effects
The legend is as follows;

AI=anti inflammatory
AE=antiemetic (anti nausea)

Temperature oC Temperature oF General Effect
140 284 2AI
150 302
160 320 E,2AN,3AI,AE,AX,AS,BD
170 338 AX,2AN,AS,2AI
180 356 AE,AD,2AI,AX
185 365 SE
190 374 2SE,AD,AX
200 392
210 410
220 428 AI,AN,E,SE
225 437 SE
230 446 SE[/QUOTE

I concur 325-333 makes for adequate antipsychotic vaping temps. :p
Sorry to hear mate. Damn winter is a growers worst nightmare if you dont have the means to heat your area. Im just trying to figure out how im gonna winter proof my veg tent when it comes. Probably gonna go with an oil rad
there the bullet proof option spud, well worth the investment, have one but father has a loan of it, great little thing not mad on leccy either depending on use... perfect for grow tho...

ah i have been pissing against the wind since i started, had lights, blew them up, had a grow space, went to make it proper and gave myself a ball of work to get done, along with christmas, overtime, and fixing up the house, fitting a stove for friend and windows for him...

just need to get thevent sorted and resin poured on the roof, once the building is dry i can crack on for sure...

going to fire together a veg box in the mean time, have few 300w cfls they`ll get me started..
Yeah i had two would you believe and ive given them to my mam hah ah well ill just bring back the tube heater and get one. Have the plug in thermostat coming anyway so hopefully it wont be too bad on leccy.

Well hopefully you get going soon man can be a pain having down time. It kills me lol. Have seeds there if you need some to get going or that
thanks dude,thats a hugh gesture but im heading to irish seed bank in week or two to stock up on black jack and might try some cheese....

have a load of haze seeds here there regs but i`ll try anything that looks like it`ll grow....
Yeah i had two would you believe and ive given them to my mam hah ah well ill just bring back the tube heater and get one. Have the plug in thermostat coming anyway so hopefully it wont be too bad on leccy.

Well hopefully you get going soon man can be a pain having down time. It kills me lol. Have seeds there if you need some to get going or that

how much did you get the thermo for if i might ask...

can get lumi stuff here its fairly cheap in comparison but i wonder about how reliable they are, not that i have anything against cheap....

we have a genny on site from lidl or aldi ..powercraft, it boils the kettle and works trannys...

we also have a honda one.. both are 3.5hp.. the honda won`t boil the kettle as quick as the powercraft and now it wont work at all because it boiled the kettle a few times...

so cheap can be good... sometimes...
Im more then happy to help out a fellow grower especially a fellow irish man.

Do love me a bitta cheese alright. Ive some exodus cheese ill be popping once the veg tent comes.

Im all about cheap me. Thermostat only cost me bout 20 quid from amazon. Love a good bargain lol. Dont get me wrong if money needs to be spent itll be spent but ill try my best to scrimp as best as i can first haha
ah in the grand scheme of things and for how i want my place to be i`m only kicking myself, as said veg box the weekend, something in the line of 2ft by 2ft at prob 3.5ft tall odd...

and lads i`m overwhelmed at the offers ut i`m sorted for where i`m at, and i really am just chuffed, thanks...

the honda is real buds, just abused hahahaha

and slipper i promise a few pics this time, i`ll even bring camera when i head out so i dont forget..

thinking of vegging up a few for an outdoor, would suit these hazes just last time i got a hermi and seeded the crop, was a good harvest tho so not too many complaints ..
loncin engines are old honda engines, there exact copys of the honda 50 engine...

had a quad for the kids years ago with one fitted in it, great little quad... dont know about in a genny tho....
Honda 50 lol had a few of them.
Could strip one down outside the back door and have it ready for a night out.
Where some gear parts left over after but still ran fine.