Can someone recommend the quietest oscillating fan setup/product for a roughly 4 x 2 ft cabinet which will be in my bedroom.
I'm glad to hear you say that.Theyre a heck of a lot cheaper. Theres a honeywell one that seems to be very popular. Anyone here have it?the tower fans are pretty silent dude.
Looking healthy out brother
real thick leaves.
Can someone recommend the quietest oscillating fan setup/product for a roughly 4 x 2 ft cabinet which will be in my bedroom.
Cubic feet per minute fan: this is probably over kill fanExcuse my ignorance but what do you mean by cfm fan?
Thanks for the feedback. I suppose what i should have asked is can i use the soler and palau fan for extraction without needing another fan for intake?. If i make my grow cabinet airtight will the extraction fan have the effect of pulling air in?. I also have a box fan but she's not too quiet. this is the soler and palau that i have (200mm, 8inch) palau