The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I missed that with Amazon, I use Private Internet Access and they are cheap, reliable and effective, the drop in d/l speed is minimal.
SumRando are ok too and give 10gb on the free option.
I have Ubuntu 12 on a DVD and haven't gotten around to installing as a dual boot, how much of a partition would I need to create?
How can I tell if a registry key is dodgy, my antivirus shows it to be MisleadingFakeAV, it shows up again even when it has been deleted, I tracked it down with regedit but that's it?

what does that mean in english... now wheres me tech dictonary gone again...;)


Well-Known Member
So far its pretty good id say give it a watch but if U still haven't seen wolf on wallstreet what the fuck are U at lad haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just never get the chance... either she leaves it too late too sit down and watch tv or shes in a mood... and if i watched i without her there`d be no liveing with her hahahaha women huh...

watched "last vegas" without her and holy shit it took two weeks for her to forget about it...


thanks dude, the two that are here look good so should come through this, the shed is a 40`s/50`s era concrete box at the back of the house behind an extension and with the sun (the big hot thing we get for two days a year hahahah) riseing and falling at the front, it means i`m stuck with a fridge, even if its "warm" outside its always cold in there, have done some remedy work to make it as suitable as i can with the funds available too me now but its a stop gap at best...

its going to take a few grows to fine tune everything and weather proof it but hey.. in it for the long haul...
Know the feeling, have you thought about a 600 to 1200 watt rad or blow heater, maybe a room temp control unit. Any particular reason you are sticking to soil? Would it not be easier to go hydro, like the waterfall system or similar?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
its just easy for me really dude, no other reason that i haven`t went hyro...

i`m about on my limit esb wise so a heater over two months period would cripple me...


Active Member
Aero grower ya avin trouble with mould mate? U used dentol on all ya surfaces? I not get it done lad and add more ocilating fans to ya room mate you should be able to sort the mould problem out easy enough that goes for any1 in Ireland


Yea I can understand that, it is easy and esb - know that feeling our first bill here was €550 and that is before the room is started. Must be the immersion LOL

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Aero grower ya avin trouble with mould mate? U used dentol on all ya surfaces? I not get it done lad and add more ocilating fans to ya room mate you should be able to sort the mould problem out easy enough that goes for any1 in Ireland

its more an unsuitable building at the minute, uninsulated slab floor no damp proof between floor and blocks and a mass concrete roof hats flat and pitted on the surface.... also as siad its at the rear of the house in a dark cold spot and never gets the sun, i`ve finished a grow in there, when i moved in and then was in hospital for a spell so never finished or done anything with it, only lately have i goten a chimney in there and passive intake have a circ fan and its sufficent so airflow isn`t an issue, an i take on board what you say about more it might be worth tossing in another for this wet spell...

once i`m back to work it wont take me long to get it together, plan is too plumb up a rad from the heating, and god knows the way she is with it on all the time i`ll not have a cold issue then hahahahaha....


plan is too plumb up a rad from the heating, and god knows the way she is with it on all the time i`ll not have a cold issue then hahahahaha....
Heating on all the time :-o OMG - now there is some €€€ - stopped using ours just using the open fire in the sitting room, although the kitchen is now so cold the freezer wont stop freezing up regardless of how low I set it. -

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hahahahah feast or a famine eh... yeah she runs the heating for hours in the day and night, along with the open fire, killer on gas...

worth it tho, its a cold house at the best of times and with the little ones and all...


hahahahah feast or a famine eh... yeah she runs the heating for hours in the day and night, along with the open fire, killer on gas...

worth it tho, its a cold house at the best of times and with the little ones and all...
Yea we will plan better for next winter, we are stuck here for 2.5 more years I think then we hope to be buying. Our house is freezing, its quite big and that does not help I reckon, the sitting room is lovely with the fire although we spend €70 a week on coal. The oil heating is deadly to run, it is being serviced shortly so that might help but not going to be filling that 1500 litre tank until next year.

I must admit I did not think it would cost quite so much to heat an irish home :(


Well-Known Member
Yea we will plan better for next winter, we are stuck here for 2.5 more years I think then we hope to be buying. Our house is freezing, its quite big and that does not help I reckon, the sitting room is lovely with the fire although we spend €70 a week on coal. The oil heating is deadly to run, it is being serviced shortly so that might help but not going to be filling that 1500 litre tank until next year.

I must admit I did not think it would cost quite so much to heat an irish home :(
Done with the entire living in a cold house crap for the time being. Last 4 houses were a nightmare for cold. The first thing we checked here was the energy rating. Its not a glass house or anything but its soo much better than what we had before. Living in a cold house just makes you depressed over time I reckon.

When you are back at work @ae it will be skip hawk season:shock: Just discovered a wooded walk down to the sea from here and there is a gold mine of dumped wood and stuff along the sea shore. Gonna get strange looks from the neighbours hauling it all back but screw 'em. I will just say I am an artist lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yep... dumpster diveing for sure along with nicking some kingspan sheets, i know i seen a few of the bigg sheets for floors (80mm) around the yard ot there, and sure it would be a shame for them no to be put to use...

couldn`t tell you when im back, have to see he ho doctor again in 2 weeks and that should be it back then, seen the boss last week and asked cold i go back.. needless to say he took one look a me and told me to fuck off till its better... hahahahaha real sensitive fella the boss...


Well-Known Member
misleading.fakeAV HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Feature\Control\
I ran Emsisoft Emergency scanner and it didn't come up in that, it's showing up in Iobit ASC7 but not Iobit Malware Fighter.
The Emsisoft detected a few false positives so I rescanned and they were deemed safe, the two that were left I stupidly deleted without finding out what they were so now on some sites, RIU being one of them I can see the header in code at the top of the page.
I never thought of scanning in safe mode, should have been the first thing I did.
Cheers man.
From what I can tell its just the leftover from a trojan. Probibly part of a malware prob you had. They target that registry so that they can do a browser hijak or redirect. But it only affect IE not chrome/firefox. You are pretty well covered with IObit though. If you are bored you could run adwcleaner to see what happens.


Done with the entire living in a cold house crap for the time being. Last 4 houses were a nightmare for cold. The first thing we checked here was the energy rating. Its not a glass house or anything but its soo much better than what we had before. Living in a cold house just makes you depressed over time I reckon.

When you are back at work @ae it will be skip hawk season:shock: Just discovered a wooded walk down to the sea from here and there is a gold mine of dumped wood and stuff along the sea shore. Gonna get strange looks from the neighbours hauling it all back but screw 'em. I will just say I am an artist lol
We have a few wooded places around us, me and the brother in law often go collecting as we also make shillelaghs, shooting sticks and walking sticks, could be a smart idea to bring back some other bits to burn, although you have to be careful people around here get really pissed, why I don't know.

We knew it would be a couple of years of less than perfect living it happens when moving back to the other side of the world, getting married and new business AGH! so much in one year.

I am most pissed of having no garage that is painful more than the cold.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Yea we will plan better for next winter, we are stuck here for 2.5 more years I think then we hope to be buying. Our house is freezing, its quite big and that does not help I reckon, the sitting room is lovely with the fire although we spend €70 a week on coal. The oil heating is deadly to run, it is being serviced shortly so that might help but not going to be filling that 1500 litre tank until next year.

I must admit I did not think it would cost quite so much to heat an irish home :(

wait till some pikey cunt robs your oil and you have to fill it again..... and agree, oil is serious to run, i find the gas to be a tad cheaper, and our oil burner was tested to be running at 97% efficency when it was serviced...


Well-Known Member
mmmmmh......kingspan. I go all lightheaded when I see the big,fat, foil-backed sheets stacked in the hardware yards. My head starts to work out ways to cut them up and fit them in me tiny car.