The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
the ones who stayed have all my respect , shepards , , lords and govners , the rest were left to live on our land that was barron , noting but rot

not all worked under a landlord, and they were the ones that fought.. with farm implements as said before.... land wasn`t barron either it was the potatoes that failed not the corn or barley, just that under english rule it went to the uk and we got fuck all for ourselfs....

the english idea was to set ireland up as there "garden" they always did and still do import up to 95% of there fundamentals....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the british , let us die ,rather than help , the americans let us come and work , the fighters , with emplements , bullshit, show me any where , the war of atrition or the sucking of the brit nipple

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
go away and watch "the wind that shakes the barley" then come back and we`ll talk... you haven`t got your facts right and i can stand explaining to ignorant people, away with you now and learn your irish history.......

were resourceful and have backbone, we don`t run from a fight nor do we kneel to tyrants like our scottish relatives, theres another band of celt`s that stuck it out not swanned off to the land of milk and honey...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if it were that simple , keep your fable tale at hand little one , it was much worse , a horrible life for many who wish it were only a fight , sweet dreams lad

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
fuck it im back in for a penny in for a pound now.
i taught they were comein ta get me last
good man 86 standin up for the motherland.
i fuckin hate keyboard warriors.

heres the pics for ya kang.

just when you tought you were out.... we pulled you back in...;)

plants look great marley, wouldn`t go chopping any more off them tho, you`ll be amazed how much weight they put on so you will only kick youself for doing it... then again some say takeing the lower branchs gets more focus on the tops giveing better colas...


Active Member
if it were that simple , keep your fable tale at hand little one , it was much worse , a horrible life for many who wish it were only a fight , sweet dreams lad
stick ta the texas thread my friend,us true irishmen and women dont have time for that shit.
this is a cannabis forum not a history one.
the past is history,the futures a mystery


Active Member
just when you tought you were out.... we pulled you back in...;)

plants look great marley, wouldn`t go chopping any more off them tho, you`ll be amazed how much weight they put on so you will only kick youself for doing it... then again some say takeing the lower branchs gets more focus on the tops giveing better colas...
ye im happy with them 86,at least i know its good smoke now.
i aint gonna chop anymore 3 weeks at most left.
bought a bit of pollem but honestly i was way more stoned from the few buds i dried in the microwave....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no doubt my friend, theres no going back once you have grown your own....

got a spliff off a friend and god bless him he was doing me a favor but it was shit compared to mine.... and it was one of those times where you have to the shit, you know the its this strain or that strain and its so high in thc.bahahahahahaha..... felt like saying wait a min.. smoke this shit...;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah don`t let the time of year get you down, think of it as starting the new year on the right foot, you`ll never have to buy weed again, the cash you`ll save is now yours to spend on other things, things to improve you lot no end...

save up buy a decent second hand car, refurb the kitchen etc.... serious if you smoke like i do thats about how much you spend a year on weed...


Active Member
was countin up the other night how much i spent on weed this year an it came ta nearly 4grand.
nearly had a stroke.
id get a nice car for that.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
and have change to tax it....

i`d be afraid to add up what i`ve smoked over the year... prob not as much this year but year that i wasn`t growing, least an oz a week some were at 300 others 500... scary...


Active Member
hows the chest?mines nearly
i was lookin at me grinder the other day trough the x60 scope,bits of steel dust and every sort of shit in it.
freighten ya ta think what there sprayin the street weed with.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
fact ... there was a few that were injecting the plants with some oily shit, and the sprayed weed thats something thats still going on, its not as much as there was about but its out there, even the "decent" weed is suspect at times, but all in all there just no comparison with homegrown, thats grown right..


Well-Known Member
hi lads great to see thread goin well fair play. have not been on lately was tweaked out but 3 weeks ago lost me da to lung cancer so iv packed it all in off the fags now for 2 weeks[23 years] an weed also miss it badly got a fair cheap leci bill other day lol.............
will keep readin along [an if mandy is readin no hard feelins x]
86 GET A THERMO..............LOL..only slaggin pal keep the thread goin bro........well done happy growing to ev1