The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
i like the idea of meeting up and haveing a smoke with some of you lot, and i`d be up for it, but i think there`d only be a few of us, some on here are a bit too para for it....and were fairly well spread all over the place so getting a central location would be hard, wouldn`t bother me tho i`d travel.. no updates on girls the kids here since yesterday so they got a fill to the hempy line and that will have too do until monday morning...
count me in may wait till my plants are finished tho.wouldn like ta go and smoke all yere weed hahahaha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
try 86 it ha every series ya can think of.

ah i just stuck up the link for gold rush as some on here watch stuff like that on-line, i`ll wait for it to be on tv, or till i get a lappy that has a hd connection, this one is like 10years old...


Active Member
moonshiners good aswell pity weed didn grow as quick as they can make moonshine some money at that do ya stick up links 86


Well-Known Member
yeah we all love the pic`s bubbles, and a hempy line.... well hempy growing is where you punch a hole about 2 inch`s from the bottom of the pot, then fill the pot to this line with pea stone or something simular, createing a "res" for water and nutes to gather and puddle so the plant can use them as needed... you fill with compost or coco to top and plant seed or plant....soon as they hit the "res" they take off growing.....;)
Loving the results from hempy, Im going to give this a shot once i get a bit of stock in a jar just in case things go tits up..

I have the perfect container for it and am going try scrogging it..... fingers crossed...
I'm gonna do a perlite/coco medium and perlite reservoir....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
moonshiners good aswell pity weed didn grow as quick as they can make moonshine some money at that do ya stick up links 86

right click on the adress bar of the site your on, it will turn blue, then left click and select copy, go to the site you want to link too, the click in to the reply box, then left click and paste, the link will appear, if its from the site here it will just show up as a thread title in blue, thats normal..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Loving the results from hempy, Im going to give this a shot once i get a bit of stock in a jar just in case things go tits up..

I have the perfect container for it and am going try scrogging it..... fingers crossed...
I'm gonna do a perlite/coco medium and perlite reservoir....

sounds good jay, and from some of your other grows it will be a right producer ... hempy is a great way to grow, cuts right down on the watering but can drive your condensation through the roof... litterally hahahaha

soil mix sounds good, have you settles on your nutes yet? boosters etc?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
two weeks down seven left for me so if ya can arrange it for mid january im there.....

two weeks in flower? could go bit longer you know, had a strain took 11 weeks, and could go early, this strain i am on now are weird, there weeks ahead of where they should be, but thats prob just my mistake on the dates or something, think were week 6 and they`ll be done in 2 weeks for sure, got some cloudy trich`s already and red hairs....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah i wish.. sure i`ll have weed for crimbo but i`m nowhere near where i want to be, a few different strains in jars will do me, so if i have say 4 different strains and a good few jars of each would be right where i`m thinking i need to be, and if the summer grow works out then it`ll mean only one grow a year....

safer and cheaper and i`ll have a shit load of weed.....;)


Well-Known Member
sounds good jay, and from some of your other grows it will be a right producer ... hempy is a great way to grow, cuts right down on the watering but can drive your condensation through the roof... litterally hahahaha

soil mix sounds good, have you settles on your nutes yet? boosters etc?
Cheers, fingers crossed it works, but at the moment it'll be a little side grow to kindda find my feet... Ill be using what nutes i have here,, They are advanced nutes sensi something.. I need to invest in a ec pen or ph pen or something..i forget.. ah sure ill get round to it spring next year id say... by then i should know what im doing when it comes to feed/growing in hempy..!

Anyone struggling with cold temps in their rooms should sort it now before winter hits next week as its suppose to last for over a week..!!
Ive installed my heater already, just have to fine tune the thermostat..


Well-Known Member
yeah we all love the pic`s bubbles, and a hempy line.... well hempy growing is where you punch a hole about 2 inch`s from the bottom of the pot, then fill the pot to this line with pea stone or something simular, createing a "res" for water and nutes to gather and puddle so the plant can use them as needed... you fill with compost or coco to top and plant seed or plant....soon as they hit the "res" they take off growing.....;)
I will get the pics up in the next hour . I never even heard of hempy growin i might try it some time.
Some advice please lads .....
I was just up doing my garden and my ladied are just 2.5 weeks away from harvest I have 2 BLZ bud , exodus cheese and the ultimate . And im after finding 1 of the plants had a male sack hidden in the bud after some closer inspection i found mayb 5 r 6 more around on some other nugs . So i pulled her outa that tent and swapped it with the lemon skunk i had flowerin in another tent under a 250w hps . Now the lemon skunk is in my main tent under a 600w . Do u think thats a bad idea ? I could just chop it now but im so close to finish . I had a good look around the plant and i really dont think der is more than 5 r 6 single male sacks on the plant .

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bubbles you have so little time left on them i`d leave the lemmon under the 600w and let the plant with the sacks in the other tent by its self....

worst case you got some pollen in your flower room and going to seed the lot on you... that said it might be just the one and you got it in time (lets hope this is the case)...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Cheers, fingers crossed it works, but at the moment it'll be a little side grow to kindda find my feet... Ill be using what nutes i have here,, They are advanced nutes sensi something.. I need to invest in a ec pen or ph pen or something..i forget.. ah sure ill get round to it spring next year id say... by then i should know what im doing when it comes to feed/growing in hempy..!

Anyone struggling with cold temps in their rooms should sort it now before winter hits next week as its suppose to last for over a week..!!
Ive installed my heater already, just have to fine tune the thermostat..

leave it so, minus 3 here at the minute.... have a feeling i`ll be back in the attic soon hahahahaha will crack the roof of the shed if the condensation continues to be so bad, thats my only worrie, let the cold come, it will only give me some purple weed to toke on ... (he says in hope)....


Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed and ill offer up a prayer i got to it in time . The lemon is only 2 weeks into flower so im happy its under the 600w now so it can get a nice boost from it rather than the 250w .
Have any of ye ever grew lemon skunk ?bongsmilie

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
got some lemmon haze going bubbles, never done a skunk, would like to but i`ve that many strains..(thanks md ;) ) to get through it`ll be some time before i get round too it..... heee hee hee ...