The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah you`d want to keep an eye on it to be sure, last thing you want is them going hermi or something....

how they comeing apart from the lights pad? be going out to look into mine in a min, love this bit, going in after a couple of days without seeing them....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
as usual its getting a bit too over grown in there, they really do take up alot of space these plants, not too worry, will have to change it up now...


Active Member
Seem to have went off around 20 to again and I'm fairly certain it's coming on close to 6. Dont think it should create any serious problems. The LB is flying. Very slight nute burn on the tips but nothin major. Have a feeling I was over nuting and over watering last time. Leaving coco go 3 days between watering and the soil about 4 days mabe 5. Cant see anything to make me increase it anymore
Took me about 20 min to make feed for the two in coco last night. Trying to balance pH/EC can just go wrong sometimes...:-P

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
oh i wouldn`t even bother to be honest as why i`m sticking in the soil, much easier and the yeilds are fine for me, i think its more a case of upping my lights which i`m on the way to doing as we speak...

took the "room apart, had to move the lot out f the shed but it needed a clean anyways.. so flower room is now 10 inchs bigger i know it doesn`t sound alot but it makes a hell of a difference to how the plants now fit under the cfl`s also have strenghtened the top and drilled the holes for the hsp leads so were getting there...


Well-Known Member
now i haven't is it good? Im a big sons of anarchy fan!

A pic of maddfarmers genteics grown by Elite Nugz on this site. I wan to get may hands on his stuff! tipoli wicked (lavender x purple urkle)

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Ive watched the first 3 seasons of SOA, season 1+2 were very good but i felt season 3 was abit off track and dident enjoy it that much, i still tell myself i should watch season 4 and then get into season 5 but i dont know, does it get better again? season 1+2 were class


Active Member
Looking good lad. 10" can be a load of space.
Only waitin to see how I get on with this grow to make a call on the whole pH/EC measuring and more expensive soil.
Waiting to see if I have the same leaf yellowing problems I had last time during flower...I already know I was giving them way more nutes last time around and water at pH 8+ until I got the meter couldn't have helped either.


Active Member
Your right, season 3 was off track. Last season it came back though. This season is going fairly well too. Last ep was a cracker!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
boom.. could my luck be changeing... got a weeks work with a lad up the road, start in morn could be a bit more in it too comeing to christmas... gift..


Well-Known Member
boom.. could my luck be changeing... got a weeks work with a lad up the road, start in morn could be a bit more in it too comeing to christmas... gift..
Good man, well deserved I reckon. Remember to save a bit for a rainy day, don't be going out spending it all on 1kw lights and what have you :P

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
not a chance iam, have everything squred away now, house is in order she has a new car and bills are just about up to date, so just the kids christmas to look after now ..

have everything i need for the room exept extractor fan and i want to see how it`ll work out just doing it passive and useing the circ air in the shed as a buffer to the outside i reckon i have enough cubic space for it...


Well-Known Member
not a chance iam, have everything squred away now, house is in order she has a new car and bills are just about up to date, so just the kids christmas to look after now ..

have everything i need for the room exept extractor fan and i want to see how it`ll work out just doing it passive and useing the circ air in the shed as a buffer to the outside i reckon i have enough cubic space for it...
How are you setup for when the deep cold hits? Winter is coming.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
as well as i can for now, i`ll insulate the box if it gets that cold,, but i doubt it will, and if i have to i`ll break out the oil heater...

so far its been fine in there, once the door is closed, she left it open the other night in the cold so the grow room was subject to outside temp and that was as close as i want to come on it.... can`t afford for them to go wrong now...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so can we talk nutes for a min.. the HESI range ... are they any good? was looking at there bloom complex and root complex...


Active Member
Said I'd throw up a few pics. Once I get the WW's to green up a little say it'll be 12/12 in 3-4 weeks. Already a fair smell off the LB. Congrats on the work ae.


Well-Known Member
86 had a look at your recent pics great stuff looking very good; keep a forecast going on weather bud frost can kill those overnite,
well done keep it up and they should crop very well buddie.......