The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah just one of them prove you human ones just type in the message... you know the type, can barely read the letters hahahaha would be me that gets it...


Well-Known Member
you germ in papaer towels seamus? i find it the easiest way to germ....
Just hoof them in a glass of water and put them in the kitchen cupboard, the paper towel thing can dry out, glass of water can't ;)

Theres like a million extra pages since I was last on...whats everyone got on the go? Pics please ;)


Well-Known Member
How you getting on yourself harr? am still trying to grasp led growing never mind the coco and the canna nutes, also trying hempy lol had alot of water problem which i hope now are fixed

Got a 50 bag last night and its prity good for a change, nice indica stone cant complane, another fucking great nights sleep!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Just hoof them in a glass of water and put them in the kitchen cupboard, the paper towel thing can dry out, glass of water can't ;)

Theres like a million extra pages since I was last on...whats everyone got on the go? Pics please ;)

welcome home dude, i`ll toss up a few pics later on, hows all your neck of the woods..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
How you getting on yourself harr? am still trying to grasp led growing never mind the coco and the canna nutes, also trying hempy lol had alot of water problem which i hope now are fixed

Got a 50 bag last night and its prity good for a change, nice indica stone cant complane, another fucking great nights sleep!

makes a change that .... good weed i mean, pure shit about here, and wet as a winter weekend...;)

you going to give the led another shot? you have too, by now theres not alot to go wrong hahaahha....


Well-Known Member
anyone here ever make bubble hash with the ice seen the bags on amazon for 50 notes looks like a good investment id say

if you buy cheap bags make gumby hash with the left over water. If you want accurate micron sizes look at sprung bags, their a little bit more but should last longer. Proper bubble bags=$$$$$ just paying for the brand name.

whoa got some weird security message there..... anyone else get that..
you get it when you post an off site link- to stop spammers


Active Member
Alright lads. Into their first pots this eve. Bad night last night.Got in late and two that hadn't dropped their shell after germing had wilted and were lying on their sides. Used a tweezer to pry off the shell and propped them. They seem to have come back. Their standing on their own anyway this eve.
Transplanted 5 into Canna Coco and 3 into BioBizz All Mix. Gave them light water of ph5.8 to coco and ph 6.7 to soil.
That sounds right dosn't it?


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
sounds right pad, i don`t bother phìng as i`m just not arsed, it may affect yeild etc etc, but i don`t think so personally... they grow in the wild without any minding so they`ll grow here with only minor tending too.....


Active Member
Yea but your water would be close to ph7 from the council ae. Getting water here from a private well. Ph is all over the place. anywhere from 5 to 8.5

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
true, but i wouldn`t take it for granted that council water is always the same ph, theres been times i`ve watered and they would fluctuate from ph its just something i don`t worry about.....

now in saying that the council water is more stable ph than well water,just not as constant as you might think....;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

if you buy cheap bags make gumby hash with the left over water. If you want accurate micron sizes look at sprung bags, their a little bit more but should last longer. Proper bubble bags=$$$$$ just paying for the brand name.

you get it when you post an off site link- to stop spammers

thin it has something to do with the banner ads on top and now side of the page.... ran a scan and got tracking cookies...