LOL, Ive had many a close call over the years, not so much with the white stuff thank god!!anyone ever had a close one with any amount of white......?????
cheers!! I never needed a username or password before!! I just remembered how slow it is grrrTheres lots of sites like SR ae, and the address for SR is http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion
its shady tho you could loose the lot quick enough, it is the internets even if its deep....
now i don`t even pretend to know how it works but there has to be a catch too it somewhere....[/QUOTEI I would have to agree entirely!! I just don't like these bitcoins, they have always tuned me off!
speaking of deepweb- i downloaded the freenet software but the fuckin thing was eating into my monthly data allowance even when i wasnt doin anything online.
also when i downloaded utorrent it put a big dirty toolbar across the top of my browser that slowed down my already shitty internet.
ive had satellite broadband for nearly a month now with a 30gb monthly limit. somehow im struggling to stay under that amount!!!!!
@ae....thinking of picking something up, I really want a merc 300ce for a bit of a project!! I lourve themAlso looking at getting a clio 172 for a bitta fun for the road and track, they go cheap enuf now adays. You ever a vtec man??