The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Alright lads, just wondering is there specific nutes for coco, or can you work away with the usual ones.
You cant use nutes for soil on coco, you can get canna A and canna B for coco and i think you can use hydro nutes but i dont know enough about it so can only recommend canna A&B

Rory Gallagher

Active Member
Sounds good iamaaror cant wait to try

Guy not far from me got caught with 67 plants after stealing the power, judge is giving him a year to keep his nose clean so no jail time!
i wonder how long he was at it for? sounds like electric Ireland had no idea what was gong on in the house. still cant believe he got of! anyways Barrister Desmond Murphy could come in handy some day

Rory Gallagher

Active Member

all six og alien abduction in 3 litre pots apart from the middle one (the bigger the pot the bigger the lady) going to take some clones on monday & see the amount of ladies i have should have done that months ago oh well

Aldi are selling 15 Litre buckets for €2 they will become my flowering pots, the question is soil or coco?

have a dank day



Well-Known Member
I still have those alien abduction seeds to pop rory, may do that next, sex them and make the females mothers. It's supposed to be some dank stuff. Let me know how it smokes. Oh and go with coco


Well-Known Member
Just love edibles. firecrackers with nuttella mmmmm spaced for 4 to 6 hrs but still a bit of dopines the next day so best done on weekends for me.

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
iamaaror- is there a thread where i can read a bit more about the hempy bucket coco setup?

I made up a batch of brownies on thursday and fuck me i will never forget it. i didnt actually eat that much, but about an hour after i ate them i was in a fuckin kink on the bed. my heart-rate was so fuckin high i thought i was gonna have a seizure or pass out. its not somethin id ever want to go through again. im still a bit shaky today:)


Well-Known Member
iamaaror- is there a thread where i can read a bit more about the hempy bucket coco setup? I made up a batch of brownies on thursday and fuck me i will never forget it. i didnt actually eat that much, but about an hour after i ate them i was in a fuckin kink on the bed. my heart-rate was so fuckin high i thought i was gonna have a seizure or pass out. its not somethin id ever want to go through again. im still a bit shaky today:)
edibles are alot more potent dave and you can panic easy if you have too much, start slow and eat a little more every half hour or so and dont over do it right away lol Am just jetting of to bed later guys

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so went canoeing for prob the second time ever in my life... great craic...

and the funny thing about it is after it, it wasn`t the arms that were hurting or the shoulders as you would expect but my hips were killing me hahahahha do it again for sure tho....

checked my seedlings and there fine, but the seeds i had just popped and left outside i was expecting too be up at least a little but there not showing yet...

room build in the morning so pics at some stage........;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
couple more sprouts today so most seeds worked out, now just hope for female and get cloneing from her.....

got a wicked little pellet gun.. little hand gun replica, only fires plastic pellets but should be good craic trying to get the neighbours cats in the head.....hahahahaha....

some space cleared in the shed, not all but getting through it, some amount of tools i didn`t even know i had there ;) so just finish cleaning the place and get it painted today and i`ll be happy....


Well-Known Member
Haha bloody cats need a few bb's in the face, you can get quite powerful gas powered bb guns idea for such activates

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
shed cleared, wall painted, home made hood version 1.5 hanging and lighting with 4 36w cfl`s and another two to go in tomorrow along with two of the hugh 2700k ones i have to balance it out, so more or less we have a grow room going...;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
think i`ll give these seedlings a light run of 18 on 6 off for the first week under lights, then 12/12.... and a short veg aswell, i need a mother for clones if i`m going scrog and i really want to try a scrog this grow ....

plan is to get some clones going and force a root ball asap by changeing pots regulary, so they should be in there final pot by end week three.... then under the screen...

scrog growers please chime in here and correct me or pointers in setup of the screen etc.....;)


Well-Known Member
i wonder how long he was at it for? sounds like electric Ireland had no idea what was gong on in the house. still cant believe he got of! anyways Barrister Desmond Murphy could come in handy some day

dont think it was mentioned in that article but he was also disabled and used a cane. i think the interesting thing is this

Granaghan was capable of carrying out such an operation alone but was taking the rap for others.
thats the second grower in one week to walk away because they were probably viewed as just a small pawn- treated like a courrier.

could be a handy defense for some.

hope its none of our boys were got in galway..........
four chinese growing in an estate and stealing power:dunce:

nice thread about chow mixs for those doing hempys

btw whats the normal/most popular brand of clayball/ hydroton people see/use?


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
little help with estimates please.....

doing a 4 plant scrog with say a 4 week veg, and flowering under a 600w hps in buckets not unlike iam`s hempys, soil as our medium..

i reckon i could pull 2 to 2.5 oz a plant , what you think lads....