The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i hear ya jay, the canna coco A&B should have enough P tho i would of thought? you see i cant use too much of cal mag or A&B because it put my EC up too high, i need to find a happy medium but it aint easy

When i add 1ml per liter of cal mag i can only add about 1ml per liter of A&B without the ec being over 2.0

Heres an update pic, i really think its salt build up thats causeing a lockout,

Does anyone know the best way to beat salt build up in coco? Iamaaror??

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Bring it into your bathroom or outside and run water through it for 20-30 mins, then when it has drained feed it with a few litres of half strength A+B and thats it, leave it for a few days and you should see some improvement, well it cant get any worse than what has already happened,

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
i harvested the four girls yesterday. i had a few different reasons for doin it. i spent all day trimming and my thumb is still half numb this mornin from trimming. im makin cannabutter this mornin- it stinks:) . i found a few more white bits in the bud too.


Well-Known Member
Bring it into your bathroom or outside and run water through it for 20-30 mins, then when it has drained feed it with a few litres of half strength A+B and thats it, leave it for a few days and you should see some improvement, well it cant get any worse than what has already happened,
Yeah i flushed it yesterday and it has not got any worse today so fingers crossed! getting used to coco and led is tricky after cfl and soil lol ill get there tho,

AE great link to them plant problems ill bookmark that for sure!

Tontoboy thanks for the links i might get a bottle but it wont be right away when it will cost about 50 euro delivered for 1 liter but its on my shopping list!

EDIT Fuck it i just bought a 250ml bottle and a bottle of canna pk13/14 lol 17.50 to deliver to ireland is steep but hopfully be worth it if i dont have to flush every turn about

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i harvested the four girls yesterday. i had a few different reasons for doin it. i spent all day trimming and my thumb is still half numb this mornin from trimming. im makin cannabutter this mornin- it stinks:) . i found a few more white bits in the bud too.

how much white dave... its hardly mould or mildew is it? like wouldn`t mould and mildew be more aggressive and have taen more of a hold on larger areas?

could it be like deposits of nutes or salt or some thing of that nature...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Yeah i flushed it yesterday and it has not got any worse today so fingers crossed! getting used to coco and led is tricky after cfl and soil lol ill get there tho,

AE great link to them plant problems ill bookmark that for sure!

Tontoboy thanks for the links i might get a bottle but it wont be right away when it will cost about 50 euro delivered for 1 liter but its on my shopping list!

EDIT Fuck it i just bought a 250ml bottle and a bottle of canna pk13/14 lol 17.50 to deliver to ireland is steep but hopfully be worth it if i dont have to flush every turn about

bookmarked it myself for further research, lad you must have some amount of bottles of stuff for growing, i have two bottles a veg bottle and a flower one. i feel like i have the junior chemistry set here, while you lot are all on the advanced section hahahaha....

good news and bad news... got a letter today the welding coures i applied for i got a spot, only now i can`t go, medical complications won`t allow me travel, and it was the last 5 codes i need to be fully qualifyied pipe welder, theres a test first but its a simple v butt 12mm gap on riseing curve of a 2metre pipe. i say simple as they don`t bomb it (xray) its jst visual inspection. as if i wasn`t deflated enough already....:(

ah possibly for the best, i have a road of treatment i`m on and i`ll stick too it until i`m back to 100% were at about 70% now so were getting there...

rageing really but what can you do when your own body is against you....

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
jaysus 86 its one thing after another for ya.can it actually happen that salt or nutes can deposit in the buds?. ive never heard of that happening before.


Well-Known Member
bookmarked it myself for further research, lad you must have some amount of bottles of stuff for growing, i have two bottles a veg bottle and a flower one. i feel like i have the junior chemistry set here, while you lot are all on the advanced section hahahaha....

good news and bad news... got a letter today the welding coures i applied for i got a spot, only now i can`t go, medical complications won`t allow me travel, and it was the last 5 codes i need to be fully qualifyied pipe welder, theres a test first but its a simple v butt 12mm gap on riseing curve of a 2metre pipe. i say simple as they don`t bomb it (xray) its jst visual inspection. as if i wasn`t deflated enough already....:(

ah possibly for the best, i have a road of treatment i`m on and i`ll stick too it until i`m back to 100% were at about 70% now so were getting there...

rageing really but what can you do when your own body is against you....
I have at least ten different bottles of food ae lolol better looking at them than looking for them i sapose but the bank account doesent like it one bit.

sorry to hear that can you not delay the course for a year or so?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah its just how it works out ain`t it... thanks for the sentiments lads

dave its just a guess like, i was just thinking you either got the mould at the very start or it was something odd like salt... wild guess but hey had to throw it out there..hahaha..

too true kang, and i`d be the same line of thinking, thats why it feels like i have the kiddies set for growing and you lot are like mad seintists with the ec and ph talk hahahahha....

popping 5 more seeds tonight, and just thinking with the weather been crazy if i threw out a few what kinda yeild i`d get by october..... could work you know....


Well-Known Member
Alright lads...Just a quick question, i mixed my nutes last night but then wheni went up they didnt need a feed, do you thik my bottle of nutes would be still ok to feed tongiht.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
why not? i ask from ignorance jingle..

like do they seperate or something? can you not just shake them up and use them or when there mixed are they like a bonding that once a and b are mixed they go off and thats that?....


Well-Known Member
Im not sure dude, I just know if you leave mollasses mixed with water for more than 2 days it goes off something rotten so im just not sure about the nutes.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i get you... pity if you can`t, seems a waste...

prob will send your ph off or something like that, i really wouldn`t know tho...

any you lads watch ax men..... shelbys a mentaler aint he... wonder who he gets hurt tonight... hahahahaaha..