The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
so its not


can`t think of anything else but either too much light or too little light.. and theres no way thats it....

Dave what light cycle do you have it on, are you 18/6 or 24 on?....They might be dying fr a bit of down time...


Active Member
dave how much are you feeding, i wouldnt worry too much about the humid getting a bit high in veg, its in flower you need to keep it down a bit. dont do anything drastic, baby steps until you sort it out. they dont look that bad apart from the drooping. as jay said though are you getting good air exchange?
86 that post above was cool.
hows it going jingle


Well-Known Member
I really can't see that working. I always water with
tepid water. All you will do is shock the plant real bad
and it won't do anything for 3-4 days at least and surely
frozen roots will be damaged beyond repair. Where did you
read it? sounds like horse shit to me. Hope someone can
prove me wrong
i read it on RUI some where cant remember where though, if you google it theres plenty of info on it


Well-Known Member
I really can't see that working. I always water with
tepid water. All you will do is shock the plant real bad
and it won't do anything for 3-4 days at least and surely
frozen roots will be damaged beyond repair. Where did you
read it? sounds like horse shit to me. Hope someone can
prove me wrong

Took the words outta my mouth, tepid rain water all the way...

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
light cycle is 18/6. im thinking on flippin them next thursday theyll be 7 weeks in veg by then. i dont think air exchange is an issue, the cabinet is below the air vent and beside a window and ive a clip the clip on fan inside. theyre on 3ml per litre a and b and rhizo, 2ml per litre calmag. but this morning i gave them 2 and a half ml per litre of each. as i said before they looked better this morning than when i took the pictures last night. it doesnt really get that cold at night


Well-Known Member
Got my lady flushed today, she will be coming down a week from now. Hope I can pull 3 zips off her, can't wait to get the critical jack dwc grow going, it's going to be a monster. Sorry about the bad lighting, I cant seem to get a good pic with the lights on



Well-Known Member
I still think your prob could be air exchange.
How is air changed in your space? You say
you have a clip on fan? Is that all.
I'm guessing it's not that powerful and
doesn't oscillate. When I first started growing
I only had a small fan and left the door open.
Things improved when I added an inline fan
then even more when I added an big oscillator.
My fan stays on high speed 24/7 all air is constantly
moving, like a good breeze. This constant moving of the
plants will make them develop thicker stronger stems
that can carry higher volume of nutrients around the plant.
That's my theory anyways

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
dave how much are you feeding, i wouldnt worry too much about the humid getting a bit high in veg, its in flower you need to keep it down a bit. dont do anything drastic, baby steps until you sort it out. they dont look that bad apart from the drooping. as jay said though are you getting good air exchange?
86 that post above was cool.
hows it going jingle

just trying to help out, its just to stop the same questions being asked like...;)

hope we can get dave sorted its a bugger they look great exept for the droop..

smokey, you were a weed farmer in a former life...hahahaha..


Well-Known Member
holy shit iam, you done good dude, even tho you smoked half it already....;)
A branch broke off when I was moving it to flush, I'd say theres a good half oz on it that will not see harvest :p

And roobarb as I discovered with my new big ass fan, if you have too much airflow on the plant it will burn the fuck out of the fan leaves and dry the buds out. But that was being an idiot and not realising when my plant was slowly dying until it was almost too late, no more big fans in my little tent.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
where there at today, no feed, after being fed two days straight now they`ve had two day starve, so tomorrow is 3 litres each exept the shanti thats a slow drinker..

100% nutes, and a litre again saturday of just water...



Well-Known Member
Looking better ever day AE, buds are starting to fill in nicely and the snow is falling nicely on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
very nice ae mate, pic number 11 is a lovely shot of all the white hairs sticking out everywhere and they is long moe foes plenty of room for big buds to fill out!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cheers lads, need the feed back, there small compared to other pics i`ve seen but it all comes down to dry weight, the colas look decent but the other buds look small for now, like i said if it takes 4 more weeks i`ll wait but seriously may sort a poupe to see the trichs turning ....

at the minute the colas are about the same size as a john player blue 100`s box...

don`t forget its a lowly cfl grow..


Well-Known Member
A branch broke off when I was moving it to flush, I'd say theres a good half oz on it that will not see harvest :p

And roobarb as I discovered with my new big ass fan, if you have too much airflow on the plant it will burn the fuck out of the fan leaves and dry the buds out. But that was being an idiot and not realising when my plant was slowly dying until it was almost too late, no more big fans in my little tent.
That's true iamarror. Too much airflow can be detrimental
by causing excessive transpiration.
I once tried to keep a mother plant going in a separate
box and it looked alot like Dave G's. Now I new the
strain enough to know it wasn't nutes. Couldn't figure it out
As it was nice weather I just stuck it outside and it was fine.